Colorado voters Tuesday rejected tax hikes and spending initiatives all across the state in what some political experts said could be a snapshot of what the mood of voters may be as the country moves into the 2012 election season.
According to the
Denver Post, which described the election as “a killing field for tax measures,” voters from Denver and the more liberal Boulder area — to even the remotest counties — rejected tax hikes to support schools, recreation centers, libraries, and other public-infrastructure projects.
“This election is overwhelmingly being framed by this economy,” political analyst Floyd Ciruli told the Post. “Clearly, the issues that are framing this are jobs and the economy and taxes.”
But Denver political consultant Katy Atkinson told the paper it would be a mistake to look at the voting in Colorado as a sign of how voters will approach the presidential and congressional elections next November.
“What we have seen election after election, regardless of political party, Colorado voters are fiscal conservatives,” Atkinson said. “To address them any differently and to assume otherwise is pretty dangerous.”