Teresa Giudice, the star of reality TV show "The Real Housewives of New Jersey," was reportedly set to get out of prison early, but her husband blew up the negotiations.
"Teresa and Joe had a deal on the table that would reduce Joe’s sentence and get Teresa out early," said one insider,
RadarOnline.com reported Wednesday. "As usual, Joe screwed everything up. He met with the feds and the whole thing fell apart during those meetings because of the things he said."
"[Teresa] is going to be sitting in prison for the rest of her sentence," the source added.
Giudice and her husband both pleaded guilty after being charged with bankruptcy fraud last year.
Teresa began her 15-month sentence in January. Giuseppe "Joe" Giudice is expected to begin his 41-month sentence once hers is completed. The judge allowed for such an arrangement so that the couple could take care of their four young daughters.
Joe immigrated to the U.S. from Italy as a young child, and he is likely to face an immigration hearing upon the completion of his sentence, and could be deported.
"[Teresa] was expecting to be out in time for the full holiday season, and even thought there was a chance she’d be home for summer. She thought she’d be able to be under house arrest until the end of her sentence in February, and be home with the kids," concluded the source.
NJ.com reported that both the couple's primary house in Montville Township and their home on the Jersey Shore in Manahawkin are both in different stages of foreclosure.