The tax cuts championed by President Donald Trump are being felt by Americans and businesses across the country despite the narrative often pushed by the media, Grover Norquist reveals in a new Newsmax exclusive report.
Dozens of firms and corporations — including Walmart, AT&T, and Bank of America — immediately announced bonuses and wage hikes for workers as a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Acts signed Dec. 22, but Norquist, chief of Americans for Tax Reform, says that's just "the tip of a very large iceberg" and the trickle-down effect is just beginning.
This exlusive Newsmax Platinum report also debunks the rumors that the tax plan will only benefit the wealthy and increase the deficit.
Norquist also exposes some little-known benefits, such as lower utility bills.
To read Newsmax’s report, Happy Days: Tax Cuts Trigger US Wave of Bonuses, Pay Hikes, in full, click here now.
This story is for members of Newsmax Platinum, which provides must-reads for Americans who demand unfiltered, cutting-edge political news from Washington, Hollywood, and around the world.