Vanilla Ice, the former '90s rapper known for his hit "Ice, Ice Baby," will be immersing himself in an Amish community in Ohio as part of his latest reality television series, "Vanilla Ice Goes Amish" on the DIY network.
The show will premiere later this year on the DIY network, a home improvement cable channel that reaches 50 million households in the US.
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On Tuesday, Vanilla Ice, born Robert Van Winkle, announced the show via Twitter.
On the reality show,
Vanilla Ice will learn how the Amish do construction, according to network executive Burton Jablin, CBS News reported. Amish families are known for constructing barns in a single day.
Vanilla Ice explained his decision to participate in the show.
"The idea came from a random conversation, I was curious about
Amish, they are masters of craftsmanship. Real deal!" he said, according to Yahoo News.
Vanilla Ice is no stranger to reality TV. The former rapper has also appeared on ITV's "Dancing on Ice," Fox's "Celebrity Boxing," and VH1's "The Surreal Life: Fame Games."
The rapper turned reality TV star isn't the only hip hop artist to venture into the world of renovation on the DIY Network.
Reverend Run of Run DMC has a series scheduled to debut next year in which he and his family renovate their home before a national TV audience.
In recent years, the
Amish community has become a subject of interest to reality television executives. There are currently three shows focusing on their way of life: the Discovery Channel’s "Amish Mafia," TLC’s "Breaking Amish," and National Geographic’s "Amish: Out of Order."
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The legitimacy of the
"Amish Mafia" was questioned after the Amish Church denied the vigilante
The Amish community, a subgroup of the Mennonites, is a traditional Christian church whose members mostly immigrated to the United States in the early 18th century from Switzerland and Germany and settled in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana.