Part of the Democratic Party’s effort to remake America, or more aptly deconstruct it, is to quietly assent to elected officials in its ranks violating their oaths of office with impunity.
Every Member of Congress, appointed official and elected official swears an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. . . bear true faith and allegiance to the same. . . take [the] obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. . . and . . . well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office . . . So help me God" (5 U.S.C. §3331).
That oath must matter. At times when it seems that our nation’s very foundation is under attack, it is best that we go back to basics like the Constitution and simple, yet powerful expressions of support for our Republic like that oath of office.
If the oath no longer matters to Democrats, then it is a tacit admission that the Constitution to some degree no longer matters either.
All who take the oath acknowledge that God is our judge and the Constitution is our guide for maintaining a free society. Today’s Democratic Party is increasingly funded and influenced by secularists who don’t believe or acknowledge the authority of the Divine.
Officials also acknowledge in the oath that there will be those who threaten the values set forth in our Constitution. Those forces could be foreign actors, but the Framers also understood that deviant, dangerous philosophies would at times be advanced by Americans as well. Support for Communism, fascism, or socialism would be as abhorrent to our Founders (you know those dead white bigots) as the monarchy they threw off to create this nation. It violates the "bear true faith and allegiance" portion of the oath.
Say what you want about Donald Trump, but the people demanding the dismantling of police departments, burning cities, advocating an end to capitalism, promoting universal basic income (paying people not to work), so-called "free" housing, attacking people of faith, censoring dissent, and revolving door justice, aren’t Trump voters. They’re not conservatives or Republicans. They’re Democrats.
The people who are going to sue you, vilify you, or get you fired for saying "All Lives Matter" aren’t Republicans. They’re Democrats.
The officials brazenly allowing certain people to assemble and protest while threatening punishment for those with opposing opinions who do the same, aren’t Republicans. They’re Democrats.
The governments mandating segregated re-training sessions about "undoing whiteness," and accusing those people of "complicity" in racism, aren’t Republicans or Trump voters. They’re Democrats.
Even at the height of the sexual revolution, the Civil Rights movement and the anti-war protests of the 1960s we did not see a political party shun the Constitution in an attempt to advance an agenda that could scarcely be recognized as American.
Ilhan Omar gets credit for her honesty. Bernie Sanders as well. Sanders, Omar, along with Biden, Pelosi, Bill de Blasio, members of The Squad and others, all to one degree or another have expressed support for ideas that fly in the face of the Constitution.
Omar, for instance is a communist. In this country, she has the right to have and espouse those beliefs.
However, as an elected official who swore the oath, she has a duty to uphold the Constitution. If she has proven in word or deed that she cannot do that, then she should be censured by her conference and removed from office by her colleagues.
Mayors also take an oath to defend the Constitution. Those who willfully fail to protect citizens or property by ignoring the law, as was recently done in Seattle, Atlanta, Minneapolis, New York and other cities are violating their oaths of office.
When officials create conditions that encourage lawlessness to help advance a political or ideological agenda, they are violating their oath.
When they provide special exceptions for people they agree with but then discriminate against and attempt to silence those in opposition, they are violating their oath.
When they leak classified information to the media for political purposes, they are violating their oath.
When politicians support policies that let those who assault police officers go free, they are violating their oath.
Democrat officials, including Biden and Pelosi, at all levels are also openly supporting an organization that is transparently Marxist in its origins — Black Lives Matter.
As part of their manifesto they vow to usher in collectivism by ". . . disrupt[ing] the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and 'villages' that collectively care for one another, especially our children. . ."
BLM leaders have openly discussed their Marxist proclivities and even their willingness to use violence to achieve their aims.
Speaker Pelosi said last week when asked about the toppling of a Christopher Columbus statue, "People will do what they do." In that statement she encouraged violence, destruction and the tearing down of our culture.
This isn’t the tearing up of a State of the Union speech. It’s the tearing up of the Constitution.
Joe Biden has now, true to form, changed his position on defunding police, recommending cuts for departments. Biden’s change comes despite the fact that homicides in communities of color and other crimes are skyrocketing.
If the oath, which demands fidelity to our Constitution, is no longer a standard Democrats are willing to follow, then we are barreling toward a clash unlike anything we’ve seen since the civil war.
Every American should treat officials who violate their oaths as requiring censure, recall, or removal.
Extraordinary measures are truly necessary when the Constitution is so brazenly disrespected. But these are extraordinary times. If Democrats accept and Republicans acquiesce to Marxist, fascist and socialist behavior being tenants of a major political party, propped up by Big Tech monopolies, higher education and the liberal press, the Republic is truly imperiled.
Tom Basile has been part of the American political landscape from Presidential campaigns to local politics. He served on the Bush-Cheney 2000 Campaign, and also served in the Bush Administration from 2001-2004. As Executive Director of the NYS Republican Party and has held a range of senior-level communications roles in and out of government. His new book "Let it Sink In: The Decade of Obama and Trump" provides a look back at the 2010s to prepare us to defend freedom in the 2020s. His critically-acclaimed book, "Tough Sell: Fighting the Media War in Iraq" (Foreword by Amb. John R. Bolton), chronicles his time in Baghdad fighting media bias and driving coverage of the Iraq war. In 2011, he was featured in Time Magazine's Person of the Year spread about political activism around the world. Basile is an adjunct professor at Fordham University and runs a New York-based strategic communications firm. He is a member of the New York Bar and sits on a number of academic and philanthropic advisory boards. Learn more about him at or follow him on Twitter @Tom_Basile. Read Tom Basile's Reports — More Here.