Environmentalist groups and energy-industry leaders are picking up more ad time while congressional Democrats develop plans to expand green energy incentives and higher fees for oil companies.
According to Axios, the League of Conservation and Climate Power boasts a budget of $6 million for TV and digital advertising. The ads aim to show Democrats' plans to cut pollution and create jobs.
On the other hand, the American Petroleum Institute (API) starts its ad campaign with a six-figure budget. API's ads are built on the argument that the Democrats' green energy plans will erode U.S. energy security and raise energy costs.
Standing in the middle of lobbying efforts to pass the multitrillion-dollar green energy, health care and social safety net package is West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, a moderate Democrat.
Manchin and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., have voiced their opposition to the proposed price tag of the $3.5 trillion package, saying that passing such a package could lead to unforeseen inflationary effects on the U.S. economy.
In efforts to garner support, the American Clean Power Association will air its ads in Manchin and Sinema's states. But so too will API, at least in Arizona. It has not been reported that API will air ads in West Virginia.