Outspoken critic of the Left and New York Times bestselling author David Horowitz says America is currently in a “civil war” and claimed that President Donald Trump is the “most vilified, libeled and slandered human in all history.”
Horowitz, author of the just released BLITZ: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win, made the stunning comment on Glenn Beck’s nationally syndicated radio show Thursday.
Glenn Beck, in turn, hailed Horowitz as “a national treasure” for the former radical's relentless fight against the Left.
"He found the real intent [of the Left] was to control America,” Beck said. “He has never sat down. He’s a true national treasure.”
NOTE: David Horowitz’s BLITZ is now a #1 Amazon bestseller, see FREE Offer – Click Here.
Horowitz told Beck that BLITZ shows how the Left has created a huge opportunity for Trump and his re-election.
He said the Left has “come out of the closet in way too big of a way” with protests that have included rioting and looting in the wake of the death of George Floyd.
He added that destruction of America’s national monuments “has dramatized what a menace they are.”
“I wish the Republican Party was speaking in the same voice Trump has … you can’t leave it to one man alone to fight this battle,” he said.
Horowitz’s book BLITZ has gotten wide praise from conservatives.
Last week Trump himself tweeted an endorsement of the book, saying it was “hot” as he called Horowitz a “great author.”
Horowitz said his new book is a "guide to civil war.” In BLITZ, Horowitz predicted that Democrats would have to revive racial issues to detract from Trump’s successes and undermine his growing support among Blacks.
He added the president now faces a civil war over race.
“They’re keeping their powder dry in the White House,” Horowitz said of Trump’s strategy. “I think they’re saving it for the campaign.”
According to Horowitz, the Left are “enemies to America” — and Democrats are moving in that direction.
“I think they made that clear,” he said, adding that “Democrats provide them cover, and funding.”
He said Democrats are seeking to blame Trump unfairly for coronavirus deaths.
“Trump will prevail,” Horowitz insisted. “Americans aren’t stupid,” and he noted that “Joe Biden is chaos.”
“Democrats control every major city in America,” Horowitz said, with large Black populations, “and have for 50 to 100 years.”
Horowitz questioned why Republicans are blamed for those city’s racial problems
“They used to say the police were the occupants of major cities but it’s actually the Democratic Party occupying” them, Horowitz said.
NOTE: David Horowitz’s BLITZ is available in bookstores everywhere or get the FREE Offer – Click Here.