implementation of key parts of the healthcare law and losing the support of
labor unions are just the beginning of trouble for Obamacare, says Dr. Ben Carson.
"It's gonna be a lot worse than this. This is the beginning of the collapse," the retired Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon said on Fox News Channel's "Your World" on Tuesday.
"Usually when you roll out a big program, you roll it out bit by bit. You determine what's working. You can change things," Carson said. "But to try to roll out something this massive without really knowing what the intricacies are is quite foolish."
Editor's Note: Video Exposes Dangers of Obamacare Law
Carson said he spoke with a high-level White House official before the law was passed, telling the official that there were some things he liked and that Republicans would support. He suggested implementing those things first and then building on the program.
"Because if you just jam it through with one party in a rush-rush way you're going to create animosity," Carson said he told the official. "And basically the answer of this person was, 'This is Washington, and this is politics.'"
Democratic Party strategist Joe Trippi, appearing with Carson, admitted that Democrats passed the law in a rush fashion because that's when they had the votes. "Frankly, they wouldn't have had the votes today," Trippi said.
"They got it passed when they could," Trippi said. "That's what politics is about. Now they've got to fix it."