A growing threat for spreading coronavirus is small household gatherings, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield said, warning that hospitalizations are up throughout the U.S. and at least 36 states have increasing numbers of virus cases, CNN reported on Wednesday.
Redfield made the comments during a call with governors on Tuesday, with audio of the call obtained by CNN.
"In the public square, we're seeing a higher degree of vigilance and mitigation steps in many jurisdictions, but what we're seeing as the increasing threat right now is actually acquisition of infection through small household gatherings," Redfield said.
With college students beginning to return home next month for Thanksgiving, he said it is "really important to stress the vigilance of these continued mitigation steps in the household setting."
The warning about the holidays was also emphasized last week by White House Coronavirus Task Force Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx, who said Americans must not let their guard down by getting together with family and close friends who appear to be virus-free.
The warnings coincide with experts saying there are already signs that another coronavirus surge is coming soon that could overwhelm the healthcare system and kill thousands more Americans.
Despite the dire news and the fact that another vaccine trial has just been put on hold, Dr. Anthony Fauci told the governors that efforts to develop a vaccine are on a "really good track" because "a couple of the vaccines are very close to getting some sort of information."
The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said health officials should know by November or December whether there is a safe and effective vaccine, adding "It is conceivable that we might even know before then."