For the second time this year, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has pardoned someone in his state arrested for a gun offense.
Christie, a Republican eying a run for president next year, pardoned Steffon Josey-Davis for the Sept. 20, 2013 arrest and indictment on one count of unlawful possession of a weapon.
As he's campaigned in other states, Christie has said he'd be open to entertaining relaxed gun laws in New Jersey even as he's said the Democratic Legislature is unlikely to go along with them. In April, he pardoned a Philadelphia woman charged with illegally bring a legal handgun into the state.
The Star-Ledger of Newark reported the armored-car driver legally owned a 9mm Smith and Wesson handgun and mistakenly placed it in the glove compartment of his car in order to go shooting at a range in Pennsylvania following work. Josey-Davis was later stopped for driving with an expired registration in Highland Park and the gun was found.
He later pleaded guilty to second-degree unlawful possession of a weapon in exchange for one year of probation. Josey-Davis had hoped to be a police officer.
Christie's order gives Josey-Davis "a full and free pardon for all criminal charges and indictments arising from the arrest occurring September 20, 2013," according to an e-mailed copy of the order.