Sixty percent of Americans say the federal government is not aggressive enough in deporting immigrants living illegally in the United States, says a
new national public opinion survey by Rasmussen Reports.
While the majority of Americans say the government should be more militant in deporting illegal immigrants, only 29 percent of voters among 1,000 polled in telephone interviews say the government should stop the deportation process until Congress passes an immigration reform plan.
Fourteen percent say the United States is too aggressive in deporting illegal immigrants, and 16 percent say the number of deportations is on target.
A majority of Americans say they want a secure border before any kind of path to citizenship is granted for millions of illegal immigrants already living in the U.S.
Just 19 percent of voters say those who are in the U.S. illegally should be granted legal status right away, while 64 percent say legalization should come only after the borders are secure. Seventeen percent were undecided.