Dr. Juliette Madrigal-Dersch still makes house calls in Marble Falls, Texas.
She provides free health care to foster children, cancer patients, ministers, even teachers, and says her regular patients get better care than most because she refuses to accept private insurance or Medicare.
"The service is a lot better because all the decisions about health care are made just between the doctor and the patient," Madrigal-Dersch said in an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV.
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"There's no outside entity that tries to influence what we're doing together as a team," she said.
But Madrigal-Dersch is more than a small town doctor; she's the president of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons.
ObamaCare: You Can Win With The Facts
And while she's not a fan of how insurance interferes in a patient's treatment, she thinks even less of the new Obamacare system that she says will turn patients into a complicated code of numbers and put dedicated doctors at risk of becoming criminals.
For example, there's a code for patients "bit by parrot" and a separate code for "bit by macaw," so if a doctor enters a code for the wrong kind of bird, they are liable for fraud, Madrigal-Dersch claimed.
There are even codes for patients being treated for water ski burns or being hit by a turtle.
"I'm pretty sure not very many people have ever been hit by a turtle," Madrigal-Dersch said.
"You can find a lot of things on the Internet, but I have actually Googled this, and I could not find one single case of anyone who'd ever been burned while they were water skiing, so why do we have these codes?" she asked.
"They're arbitrary and capricious and just there to make things more difficult and unrealistic for the patient and the doctor," Madrigal-Dersch said. "These codes are ridiculous and they're just another way that the government or insurance companies can say that doctors are committing fraud."
Many patients are no better served with private insurance, said Madrigal-Dersch, citing numerous examples where it has actually cost patients more money or threatened their life.
For example, a complete blood cell count costs $15 without insurance, but if a person's health care is subsidized by the government it costs as much as $123.
"To me that's gouging and they raise these prices up artificially so people have to have insurance, so they can't afford the cash price," Madrigal-Dersch said.
In one incident, an insurance company rejected the doctor's order for an MRI to detect a possible aneurysm until the patient was first treated for migraine headaches.
"I got on the phone and said, 'if I treat this lady who's having an aneurysm for a migraine, it will actually kill her,'" Madrigal-Dersch said.
Luckily the patient did not have an aneurysm, because she would have died in the time it took to have her tested.
Now, Madrigal-Dersch predicts the bureaucratic obstacles to health care will only get worse and expressed disappointment that her state's governor, Rick Perry, is working with the White House to bring a program similar to Obamacare to Texas.
"I was very surprised. I wish he would stick with us. Capitalism works," Madrigal-Dersch said.
"The doctor-patient relationship is the most important thing. Keeping government and government money out of the doctor-patient relationship is the way to actually take really good care of people," Madrigal-Dersch said.