Fifty-two percent of Americans say they will vote early by mail or in person this year, according to an NBC News/SurveyMonkey poll.
Here are how the results, released Tuesday, break down:
- 33% say they will vote by mail and 19% say they intend to vote early in person.
- 33% say they will vote in person on Election Day, while 11% say they may not vote at all.
- 54% of those who identify as Republicans and lean in that direction say they will vote in person on Election Day, compared with 22% of Democrats and those who lean that way.
- 18% of Republicans say they will mail in their ballots, compared to 50% of Democrats.
- 21% of Republicans intend to vote early in person, compared to 21% of Democrats.
- 20% percent of independents say they'll vote in person on Election Day, while 13% say they'll vote early in person and 29% say they'll vote by mail.
- 54% of all those surveyed favor changing laws to make vote-by-mail access universal, compared to 42% who oppose such changes.
- 57% say they are not too confident or not confident at all that the election will be conducted fairly, while 41% say they are confident it will be.
The poll, conducted Aug. 24-30, surveyed 37,386 people. The margin of error is plus or minus 1 percentage point.