Fifty-five percent of Americans who went out in public last week wore face masks, compared to 45% who did not, a new ABC News/Ipsos poll reveals.
Here are how the results of the poll, released Friday, break down:
- 55% disapprove of the way President Donald Trump is handling the response to the coronavirus, while 44% approve.
- 86% are “very concerned” or “somewhat concerned” that they or someone they know will be infected with the virus. 14% are “not so concerned” or “not concerned at all.”
- 26% have become more pessimistic about the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the U.S., while 22% have become more optimistic. 50% say their feelings have stayed about the same.
The poll, conducted April 8-9, surveyed 512 adults. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 5.3 percentage points.