Another wave election may be building across America, poised to sweep away yet another congressional class. Only 24 percent say members of Congress deserve re-election,
A USA Today/ Gallup Poll finds.
That number is the lowest since Gallup first asked the question in 1991. The poll also found that just 56 percent say their own representative deserves re-election, a number comparable to those found in 1994, 2006, and 2010 when House or Senate majorities were upset.
The poll also has good and bad news for President Barack Obama. A majority, 51 percent, say he does not deserve re-election, but he still beats a generic GOP candidate 49 to 45 percent.
"Is there substantial dissatisfaction with the direction of the country, with the way things are, with the people in charge? The answer to that is yes," Stuart Rothenberg, editor and publisher of the nonpartisan Rothenberg Political Report, told USA Today.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney continues to lead the GOP presidential field, at 24 percent with Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who is expected to announce his candidacy soon, comes in second at 17 percent, followed by Rep. Ron Paul of Texas at 14 percent and Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota at 13 percent.
The rest of the field polls in single digits. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is at 7 percent, Herman Cain, 4; Tim Pawlenty, 3; Jon Huntsman, 2; and Rick Santorum, 1, the poll showed.
Perry does best among tea party supporters, besting Romney 23 to 22 percent, with Bachmann grabbing 19 percent.