"I will tell you that Geroge Soros is not to be discussed. It is verboten," conservative talk show host and pundit Glenn Beck said in a video on his Facebook feed Thursday. The video was headlined, "Even FOX NEWS is Censoring Criticism of George Soros – Here's Why."
A caption above the video read, "What Fox News did yesterday when Newt Gingrich mentioned George Soros was incredible. Everything Gingrich said about Soros is VERIFIABLY true. But even Fox wouldn't let him be discussed, and here's why he's so off-limits: His fingerprints are ALL OVER what's being done to our country right now."
In the video, Beck said, when he got down to the end of his time at Fox News, where he had a program until 2011, "they were starting to tell me, I can't talk about things: 'Just talk about this. Stop talking about that.'"
He said a handful of topics were judged off limits. One was God. One was Israel.
"And the other one was George Soros," Beck said.
"How can you be an honest reporter if you will not report the fact, the reported fact, that what Newt Gingrich said is absolutely true?"
"This is why he is so off limits. What is being done to our country, his fingerprints are all over it."