Illinois Republican lawmakers are calling for the Land of Lincoln to be split, with Chicago essentially becoming its own state, reports the
Decatur Tribune.
State Reps. Bill Mitchell and Adam Brown introduced a resolution authorizing a statewide vote on separating Cook County from the state’s other 101 counties.
“When I talk to constituents, one of the biggest things I hear is, ‘Chicago should be its own state,’” Mitchell said. “Downstate families are tired of Chicago dictating its views to the rest of us. You only have to look at the election results from last year’s governor’s race to see the problem . . . Our voters’ voices were drowned out by Chicago.”
Chicago Democrats have long wielded the majority of power in the state, notes the newspaper. The GOP lawmakers take issue not just with political control, but also moral issues they say are handed down from Chicago Democrats.
“Our downstate values are being overshadowed by Chicago’s influence over the legislative process,” Brown said. “The 2010 election swept a number of downstate Republicans into office, but the lame-duck Democrats passed a 67 percent income tax increase, along with civil unions and the abolition of the death penalty in Illinois. These liberal policies are an insult to the traditional values of downstate families.”
“It’s time to look at a two-state solution,” Brown said. “Downstate deserves to have its voice heard.”