"Daily Show" host Jon Stewart is among the list of liberals not buying Hillary Clinton's explanation of why she kept her official State Department emails on a private server under her control.
On Wednesday's show, Stewart took a jab at Clinton's claim she didn't want to maintain two email accounts because it would have been less "convenient" to use two devices for personal and work emails.
"You are a person that wants to be president, which is a super inconvenient job," Stewart said. "Did you know that everywhere you go, you not only have to carry a phone but a briefcase filled with nuclear codes?"
"You can't suddenly go, 'this briefcase is kind of a hassle to carry; can I just put the codes on my phone?' " he said, "because halfway through your term you butt-dial a nuclear strike to Mexico."
Stewart also noted that Clinton went through her 60,000 emails, turned over half to the State Department and deleted the other half she deemed private.
"You just told us you didn't follow the rules because having two separate email addresses would be way too big a pain in the [butt]," Stewart said.
"But you know what is a far bigger pain in the [butt]? Trying to delete 30,000 emails."