Jonathan Gruber, the Ivy League economist who bragged about the tricks used to pass Obamacare and called the American people stupid, has become a joke on social media.
Suddenly to be “grubered” is to be lied to.
Twitchy invites its fans to make up a movie title using the name, Gruber, as in “When Nancy met Gruber,” even though Nancy Pelosi insists she doesn’t know him.
Gruber inspired the Republican National Committee to compile the
“#Grubering” video
in an operatic allusion to Wagner.
The Washington Times discovered Grubergate, gruberish, grubered, grubermania, moneygrubering and gruberpalooza.
Twitter even got a little lewd.
“Dude, you #Grubered all over yourself!” Chuck Nellis tweeted with a photo of President Obama and Rev. Jesse Jackson.
“Bend over, Dr. Obama is ready to #Gruber you now,” tweeted 2ndAmendmentForever.
Rick Moran at the
American Thinker coined: “Grubermentia,” lying so often that one loses tracks of his fibs; “Disgrubered,” dismantling an argument based on lies; “Foregruber,” predicting that the next words someone speaks are lies; “Gruberful,” releasing a “gruberful of misinformation.”