A politically conservative Los Angeles street artist is papering a strip of Tinseltown this week with Oz-like flying monkeys bearing "Hillary 2016" signs, just ahead of a Hillary Clinton-headlined fundraiser,
the Hollywood Reporter reports.
SABO, the guerrilla tagger and online commentator behind "Abortion Barbie" and a twerking Nancy Pelosi, has festooned the Brentwood neighborhood around the posh Tavern restaurant with wall posters and hanging cutouts of the winged, pro-Hillary primates.
Clinton, rumored to be preparing a presidential run, is the top attraction at Tavern on Monday for a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee fundraiser hosted by entertainment industry titans including Jeffrey Katzenberg and Steven Spielberg.
SABO, a Louisianan who relocated to the West Coast, last bared his imported red-state streak by labeling Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis "Abortion Barbie," and by outrating Democrats with his picture of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in a dirty-dancing pose.
One of his flying monkey posters, near a Whole Foods store, has already been "violently" torn down, SABO told the Hollywood Reporter.
"Let this image be a reminder to them that our lady in waiting is not invincible," SABO wrote on his Web site. "Obama came out of nowhere and knocked her off her perch without so much as trying."