Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden must have taken the same world geography classes.
The House minority leader joined the vice president in describing Africa as a country — not a continent — in a tweet Wednesday,
The Washington Times reported.
Wrote Pelosi on Twitter: "Honored to join my colleagues & @OfficialCBC at #USAAfrica Leaders Summit to discuss the valuable relationship between our two countries!"
Both leaders were attending the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit at the White House this week, which brought together 50 delegations from African nations. On Tuesday, while speaking to the group, Biden similarly misspoke, extolling "the nation of Africa" to "join the ranks of the world's most prosperous nations," the
National Review reported.
Pelosi's original tweet was later removed.
Washington Examiner commentary writer
T. Becket Adams said he believed Biden simply misspoke, but he wasn't as generous in his assessment of Pelosi.
"Further remarks by the vice president show that he is indeed aware that Africa is a continent containing many nations," Adams wrote. "But Pelosi? It seems pretty clear that the person who sent that tweet is a just a little confused and maybe a bit misinformed. But I suppose that's appropriate, isn't it?"
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