Half of voters think President Obama "knowingly lied" when he repeatedly assured Americans they could keep their own health plans under the Affordable Care Act, says a
Fox News poll released Wednesday.
Obama consistently told Americans that "if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. Period."
In a telephone poll of 1,006 randomly chosen voters nationwide, 50 percent think the president knew he was lying, while 40 percent think Obama had no idea the law would cause people to lose their insurance.
Seventy-nine percent of Republicans, 51 percent of independents, and 22 per cent of Democrats think Obama knowingly lied to get his signature law passed.
A 59 percent majority thinks the Obama administration knew ahead of time that people would be kicked off their insurance plans, and 55 percent think the White House has "tried to deceive" people about it. About 38 percent say the administration has been honest.
The president's job approval rating has continued to plunge since the disastrous Oct. 1 rollout.
A record-high 61 percent disapprove of the president's performance on healthcare, up 10 percent in about a month.
Even since he addressed the nation with a mea culpa, 58 percent feel Obama's apology was "mostly for political reasons," while 38 percent think he was" sincere."
Overall, 46 percent want to throw out the healthcare law and "start over."
Forty-two percent say "keep trying to fix it," and another 10 percent say, "Leave it alone."
Thirty-nine percent of voters blame the Obama administration for the website glitches, while 20 percent blame the designers of the bug-plagued website.
About one in 10 voters blames congressional Republican, at 11 percent, and 10 percent blame insurance companies.
Half think Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sibelius should "stay and try to fix things," while 24 percent would rather have her fired and 19 percent think she should resign.