A new poll reveals that just under half of Americans want their states to set up health insurance exchanges as mandated by Obamacare to force companies to compete on price and service for customers shopping for a policy.
The same Rasmussen poll also found that less than a third of those who participated in the poll knew whether their state was going to set up an exchange.
Forty-six percent of respondents said they would like their states to set up the exchanges — the same percentage who would like to see their governors support the implementation of the law.
Thirty-five percent said they did not want their states to set up the exchanges, and 19 percent were not sure. Many more than that did not want their governors to support the law, with 42 percent saying their state governor should not and 12 percent not being sure.
Many states have refused to set up the insurance exchanges, which in those cases may be created by the federal government anyway, and just 32 percent said they knew whether their state was working on it. Sixty-nine percent said either they didn’t know or were not sure.