With U.S. border agents capturing people from the Middle East sneaking across the border from Mexico, it's imperative to secure it, says conservative commentator Pat Buchanan.
Appearing Monday on Fox News Channel's
"Hannity," Buchanan noted that terrorists have even been able to slip into the United States across the Canadian border, which is more secure. So, he said, the concern at the Mexican border is even greater.
"If you've got terrorists you wanted to walk into the United States easily, you'd find some spot along that border and send them in," Buchanan said.
But the former aide to Presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan said he doesn't want to see U.S. ground troops goaded into a war against the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria and Iraq, "where we create as many terrorists as we kill."
About a million troops make up the Turkish, Syrian, Kurdish and Iraqi armies, he said, and they should take care of any ground offensive.
"They can deal with the 20,000 ISIS terrorists on the ground. America should restrict itself to air power," he said.