Rep. Nick Rahall has introduced a constitutional amendment to protect voluntary school prayer on the eve of National Prayer Day this Thursday.
The West Virginia Democrat said in a statement that those who believe the Constitution forbids school prayer are misreading it.
"As a Christian and a public servant, I am convinced that the Constitution was intended to ensure that the government not dictate religious practices or prevent individuals from worshiping as they choose — like praying voluntarily in school,"
Rahall said comments posted on his congressional website.
"Many, including early English settlers, came to America to escape governments that established religions or discriminated against certain religious practices, and our founding fathers reflected on that when they crafted our government's guiding document."
Faith is central to U.S. culture, Rahall added.
"As people of faith, Americans have often turned to prayer — for comfort, for inspiration, for strength — at some of our Nation's most trying times, He said."As Christians, we know what a powerful tool prayer can be to heal and focus our national energies in common cause, and so did our founding fathers."