Almost half of the country — 46 percent of likely voters — believes that the United States’ glory days are over, according to a new
Rasmussen Reports poll.
And just 37 percent of the nation’s likely voters are optimistic about the nation’s future, while 16 percent are not sure, according to the results of a nationwide Rasmussen telephone survey of 1,000 likely voters Sunday and Monday.
Optimism about the nation’s future has ranged from 31 percent to 48 percent since late 2006, but generally has been in the middle to high 30s since Barack Obama became president. Those who think America’s best days are passed have ranged from 37 percent to 53 percent since November 2006.
Meanwhile, 65 percent prefer a smaller government with fewer services and lower taxes over one with more services and higher taxes; 25 percent want a government with more services and higher taxes instead. These findings have changed little in the past several years.