Florida Gov. Rick Scott's campaign is touting the fact that early voting figures indicate the Republican incumbent is on the verge of being re-elected.
Scott is in a tight race against his Democratic challenger, former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist. But Scott's deputy campaign manager, Tim Saler,
told the Tampa Bay Times on Wednesday that early voting results must be driving Crist "absolutely crazy."
"Another day in the books, and despite the incredible surge in ballots cast yesterday, Democrats still can't seem to make a real dent in our Republican lead," said Saler.
"Yesterday alone, roughly 124,000 Floridians went to the polls and voted early, the highest early voting turnout of any day yet — 652 more Democrats than Republicans early-voted yesterday — a margin of one-half of 1 percent of all the votes cast yesterday.
"That's it! The same early voting that the Obama machine dominated, where they led by almost 117,000 votes at this time two years ago. And don't forget — despite that huge Democrat lead, they only won that election by less than 75,000 votes.
"We're hanging with the Obama team on early voting. It has to be driving them absolutely crazy. Turnout keeps going up, and they can't seem to break open a real lead."
Saler noted that the Crist team has expressed confidence in their voters sending in absentee ballots in the final week of the campaign.
"History certainly shows that they ought to be able to do it," he told the Times. "But with six days left to go, Republicans still hold a more than 145,000-vote lead in absentee ballots returned.
"At this point in 2012, Republicans led by half as many votes — a difference of 77,531 more Republican ballots in the bank today as compared to two years ago."
He added, "We're six days away from victory. Thanks for all that you do and continue to do."