resignation of University of Missouri President Tim Wolfe on Monday amid campus protests are the result of colleges teaching students that America is bad, and schools now are "reaping what they sow," says conservative
talk radio host Rush Limbaugh.
Wolfe announced he was stepping down amid a hunger strike by a student and a vow by 30 black members of the football team to sit out practice and next Saturday's game against Brigham Young University.
"He just resigned for committing the crime of being a white male," Limbaugh said, calling it as "a social justice warrior's story."
The protests were sparked by a spate of racist incidents beginning in early October.
"It was just a couple of short years ago the University of Missouri got a gold star, and the University of Missouri was the leading, most sensitive university in America because that's where Michael Sam went to school," Limbaugh said, referring to the first openly gay player to enter the NFL draft.
At that time the school "was heralded as a citadel of tolerance," Limbaugh said. "What happened?"
No gains by the left are ever enough, he said.
Limbaugh also discussed Yale students who protested against "culturally inappropriate" Halloween costumes.
The schools themselves have had a hand in creating "these little monsters" when they stopped teaching critical thought and allowed liberalism to take control, Limbaugh said.
"This is liberalism coming back and getting bitten by its own teaching," he said.
"Insitituions of higher learning" have become "institutions of higher victimization," he said. "This is what the university experience has become: threats, tirades, demands."
"I think they are getting just what they deserve. I think they are reaping what they sow," Limbaugh said. "We turned over the asylum to the inmates years ago. The inmates have finally figured out how to blackmail them. You do it with the football program."