A new
"Simpsons" online short shows the cartoon Homer and Marge backing Hillary Clinton for president in a campaign ad spoof that makes fun of both candidates, but clearly shows Donald Trump as the worse choice.
The spoof recalls the 2008 Clinton campaign ad which shows sleeping children safe at home at three in the morning and asks who do you want answering the emergency phone in the White House if trouble erupts somewhere in the world.
In the Simpsons’ spoof, Bill Clinton answers the phone in bed but then quickly gives it to Hillary, who reminds him that she is the one in charge now. She is fully dressed in bed and ready to go to the situation room immediately.
But when Trump answers the phone in bed, with a book of Adolf Hitler’s greatest speeches next to him, he puts the call on hold.
He then completes another nasty tweet about Sen. Elizabeth Warren, orders an aide to promote him some more and prepare breakfast for him and then takes so long making sure his appearance is proper that the crisis ha:s already erupted into a larger one.
The Simpsons has already had a few parodies of Trump during the campaign for the presidential primaries.