Police on Thursday morning recovered a suspicious package addressed to actor Robert De Niro on Thursday, which investigators said was similar to crude pipe bombs sent to prominent Democrats, including former President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and to CNN.
X-rays showed that the package, addressed to the building that houses De Niro's production company, restaurant, and the Tribeca Film Center, contained a device like those sent to Democratic figures and CNN, investigators said.
De Niro has been a highly visible critic of President Donald Trump,
None of the bombs have detonated and no one was hurt as authorities in New York, Washington, D.C., Florida and California seized the suspicious packages.
The targets of the bombs were figures who often criticiz Trump, who still assails Clinton at rallies while supporters chant "lock her up" — two years after he defeated her. Trump also often singles out cable news network CNN and other news media whose reporting he does not like, terming them "fake news."