Texas Sen. Ted Cruz lashed out at same-sex marriages Monday, telling radio station WHO that he plans to introduce a constitutional amendment that would allow individual states to ban such unions,
The Huffington Post reported.
"We have seen judges, and especially the Supreme Court, ignoring the law," Cruz told WHO host Jan Mickelson.
"If the courts were following the Constitution, we shouldn't need a new amendment, but they are, as you put it quite rightly, 'making it up' right now and it's a real danger to our liberty," Cruz added.
Cruz has been both blunt and outspoken on what he describes as a national "assault" on traditional marriages. It is a social issue that sets him apart from others who may be pondering entering the 2016 GOP presidential field,
the Des Moines Register noted.
The son of an evangelical minister, Cruz told a closed-door meeting of about 200 clergy gathered Monday at an American Renewal Project's "Pastors and Pews" event that he plans to make it a priority in his future political endeavors, the Register said.
"I believe that 2016 will be an election like 1980, and that we will win, as Reagan said, by painting in bold colors and not pale pastels," he said in discussing his style and the future for his party.
Cruz in February introduced legislation, the State Marriage Defense Act, that would keep the federal government from offering recognition of same-sex marriages in those states that continue to ban them. It has the support of 11 other senators.
"Even though the Supreme Court made clear in United States v. Windsor that the federal government should defer to state 'choices about who may be married,' the Obama administration has disregarded state marriage laws enacted by democratically-elected legislatures to uphold traditional marriage,"
Cruz said in a statement.
"I support traditional marriage and we should reject attempts by the Obama administration to force same-sex marriage on all 50 states. The State Marriage Defense Act helps safeguard the ability of states to preserve traditional marriage for their citizens."