Following the last formal presidential debate in Boca Raton, Florida, voters will have a chance to watch a more informal “virtual” debate filmed just a few hours north, in Jacksonville.
The “We the People Presidential Debate: In Their Own Words” was taped Oct. 12 on the University of North Florida campus before a live studio audience, and will be aired online for the public tonight at The debate will begin at 9:00 p.m. EST, and will be available on the website until Nov. 6.
The event is billed as “America’s first virtual debate,” as well as the last presidential debate before the Nov. 6 election. Fox News contributor and radio talk show host Mike Gallagher will serve as moderator, and in a rather unconventional format, questions from the voting public as well as personalities like Herman Cain and the NRA’s David Keene, will be answered by video clips of the candidates’ past statements on the issues in question.
According to the website, “The liberal media continues to make every effort to advance their liberal bias and spin or conceal many facts about the presidential candidates that you need to know.
“Big Voices Media believes that for elections to be truly fair, the real truth about the candidates must be allowed to surface unfettered, so that Americans can make clear and conscious choices for candidates that most closely represent their own principles and values.”
For more information and to watch the preview, visit