Warren Harding only delivered two State of the Union addresses as President of the United States.
According to the The White House, Warren Harding's presidency was “fraught with scandal.” He died after only two years in office of a heart attack.
Here are quotes from his two State of the Union messages delivered in 1921 and 1922:
1. “More, it is equally gratifying to report that our country is not only free from every impending, menace of war, but there are growing assurances of the permanency of the peace which we so deeply cherish.” (1921)
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2. “During the anxieties of war, when necessity seemed compelling there were excessive grants of authority and all extraordinary concentration of powers in the Chief Executive. The repeal of war-time legislation and the automatic expirations which attended the peace proclamations have put an end to these emergency excesses but I have the wish to go further than that.” (1921)
3. “There is now, and there always will be, a storm of conflicting opinion about any tariff revision. We cannot go far wrong when we base our tariffs on the policy of preserving the productive activities which enhance employment and add to our national prosperity.” (1921)
4. "We can not sell to others who do not produce, nor can we buy unless we produce at home… With all my heart I wish restoration to the peoples blighted by the awful World War, but the process of restoration does not lie in our acceptance of like conditions.” (1921)
5. “Every proper encouragement should be given to the cooperative marketing programs. These have proven very helpful to the cooperating communities in Europe. In Russia the cooperative community has become the recognized bulwark of law and order, and saved individualism from engulfment in social paralysis. Ultimately they will be accredited with the salvation of the Russian State. There is the appeal for this experiment. Why not try it?” (1921)
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6. “While we are thinking of promoting the fortunes of our own people I am sure there is room in the sympathetic thought of America for fellow human beings who are suffering and dying of starvation in Russia. A severe drought in the Valley of the Volga has plunged 15,000,000 people into grievous famine. Our voluntary agencies are exerting themselves to the utmost to save the lives of children in this area, but it is now evident that unless relief is affonded the loss of life will extend into many millions. America can not be deaf to such a call as that.” (1921)
7. “So many problems are calling for solution that a recital of all of them, in the face of the known limitations of a short session of Congress, would seem to lack sincerity of purpose.” (1922)
8. “It is no figure of speech to say we have come to the test of Our civilization. The world has been passing--is today passing through of a great crisis. The conduct of war itself is not more difficult than the solution of the problems which necessarily follow… The reference is to our own social, financial, and economic problems at home.” (1921)
9. “It would be folly to ignore that we live in a motor age. The motor car reflects our standard of living and gauges the speed of our present-day life. It long ago ran down Simple Living, and never halted to inquire about the prostrate figure which fell as its victim.” (1922)
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10. “Constitutional prohibition has been adopted by the Nation. It is the supreme law of the land… Most of our people assumed that the adoption of the eighteenth amendment meant the elimination of the question from our politics. On the contrary, it has been so intensified as an issue that many voters are disposed to make all political decisions with reference to this single question. It is distracting the public mind and prejudicing the judgment of the electorate. The day is unlikely to come when the eighteenth amendment will be repealed. The fact may as well be recognized and our course adapted accordingly.” (1922)