Sixty-nine percent of Americans say things in the U.S. are pretty seriously on the wrong track, a new Politico/Morning Consult poll reveals.
Just 31% say the country is headed in the right direction.
Here are highlights from the poll released on Wednesday:
- 55% disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as president, while 41% approve.
- 47% trust former Vice President Joe Biden more to handle race relations, compared to 30% who trust Trump more.
- 43% say they trust Biden more on containing the spread of the coronavirus, while 35% trust Trump more.
- 45% trust Biden more in uniting the country, while 31% trust Trump more.
- 19% rate Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic as excellent, compared to 17% who rate it as good. 11% rate it as fair, while 48% rate it as poor.
- 15% rate the World Health Organization’s handling of the pandemic as excellent, while 29% rate it as good. 21% rate it as fair, and 25% rate it as poor.
The poll, conducted March 29-June 1, surveyed 1,981 people. The margin of error is plus or minus 2 percentage points.