I’ve been predicting a Romney electoral landslide since May 30 in media across the country. I doubled down in early October with my opinion piece at FoxNews.com. I tripled down with my appearance on “The O’Reilly Factor” about 2 weeks ago.
On O’Reilly, I coined the phrase “The Chick-Fil-A Election” to describe the tidal wave of Christians and faith-based American voters that will rush to the polls on November 6 with intensity and enthusiasm levels never seen in modern U.S. political history.
People hearing my predictions must have thought I was stark raving mad. After all, most Americans have been bombarded with flawed national polls that based their election models on the once-in-a-lifetime 2008 Obama Democrat turnout. The election turnout of 2012 will look completely different based on the enthusiasm levels of conservatives and Christians.
My predictions were not based on polls. I’m not a pollster. I’m a Vegas oddsmaker, turned vice-presidential nominee (in 2008 for the Libertarian presidential ticket), and now political pundit and analyst. My polls are based on my gut instincts. My subjects aren’t 500 random strangers on the phone afraid to tell the truth to pollsters.
My subjects are my diverse group of middle-class American friends — the kind who determine the winner of virtually every election. I’ve seen this political earthquake coming for months.
My group of “test subjects” is predominately faith-based. I saw a trend developing months ago that your typical N.Y.- or D.C.-based pollster hasn’t a clue about. Catholics and evangelical Christians are angry, motivated, and mobilized to defeat Obama. This group is mad as hell and won’t take it anymore.
From the seething anger I witnessed, I predicted a turnout of Christians and people of faith in numbers never seen before. Remember the long lines in front of Chick-fil-A restaurants a few months ago? That was "the Christian canary in the coal mine." I predict you’ll see those same long lines in front of polling places.
Christians are sick of turning the other cheek, while they get kicked in the gut. They are sick of seeing their faith and values denigrated, and their country destroyed. Christians will lead the conservative tidal wave on Election Day. They can’t wait to take their country back from a man (President Obama) that seems to despise capitalism, disrespects faith and religion, never misses an opportunity to damage our relationship with Israel, and fails to recognize the massive threat we face from radical Islam.
Chick-fil-A was the not-so-subtle hint of what’s coming on November 6. I guess New York Times pollster Nate Silver didn’t notice. He's the darling of the left. He keeps touting magical polls that show Obama as unbeatable. His polls are perfect to amuse and entertain the delusional left.
These are the same New York Times-reading, latte drinking, hypocritical limousine liberals who didn't notice the big development of the past few days — Reverend Billy Graham endorsing Mitt Romney and supporting him with full page ads in newspapers across America. Just another monumental development completely misunderstood or purposely ignored by the mainstream media.
Then came the shocking polls that confirmed my gut instincts.
Gallup released its extensive poll regarding the make-up of the 2012 electorate. For the first time in history, Republican voters outnumber Democrats. And independents, who form an enormous chunk of the electorate, also vote overwhelmingly Republican. All the polls based on the 2008 Democrat turnout were based on the wrong model — just as I predicted.
Battleground Polling released their bipartisan prediction of the final outcome of the election — Romney by 5 points. Keep in mind this is a bipartisan polling organization.
Rasmussen released its poll showing Romney leading for the first time in Ohio. The Obama firewall is disintegrating.
Pew Research released a poll explaining the key to Romney's success (especially in the Midwest). Romney leads among white Catholics by an unprecedented 14 points.
Please keep in mind that 20 million evangelicals stayed home in 2008. They are all coming out on Tuesday to support Mitt Romney, motivated by Billy Graham's blessing. The media doesn't know it yet, but the light at the end of the tunnel is a train.
I went out on a limb a month ago to publicly predict a 5-to-7 point Romney popular vote victory, and an electoral landslide of 100 to 120 votes.
I’m going out on a limb again. My prediction will be right on the money. Romney has already salted away 2008 Obama states like Florida, Virginia, Colorado, North Carolina, and Indiana. Not that you'd know this fact from reading Nate Silver's predictions. Obviously The New York Times thinks Democratic voters can't take the truth.
States such as Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin, and New Hampshire are all trending toward Romney (because of this Chick-fil-A surge).
Romney has now extended the battlefield to states no one ever imagined. He is adding last-second media buys (TV ads) to deep-blue Democrat states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Minnesota. Obama's firewall has been breached. The rout is on.
In the past 24 hours Bill Clinton has been dispatched to defend Minnesota. Joe Biden has been dispatched to defend Pennsylvania. The Obama campaign is disintegrating in front of our eyes.
Just as I predicted, just like Reagan/Carter, it took voters a while to make their decision . . . to make the connection between a horrible economy, the collapse of small business, the loss of jobs, and the man in the White House leading it all. Same economy, same circumstances, same clueless fool in the White House, same decision for voters.
By Election Day, with the momentum in favor of Romney, I believe deep-blue Pennsylvania and Wisconsin will go red for Romney. Obama is still the favorite in states like Michigan, Minnesota, and New Jersey, but Romney could pick off 1 or 2 of these if things break right.
A Reagan-like landslide is now a very real possibility.
And liberals should give delusional and clueless pollster Nate Silver of The New York Times a gold watch and a retirement dinner.
Wayne Allyn Root is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee. He is the best-selling author of "The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gold & Tax Cuts." Read more reports from Wayne Allyn Root — Click Here Now.