A few weeks ago, I issued a challenge to the GOP presidential candidates on
Newsmax TV: call out President Obama and democrat candidate Hillary Clinton on their failure to press for Rahm Emanuel’s resignation for his role in the Laquan McDonald police shooting cover-up.
Only one of the candidates has taken me up on this challenge so far: gutsy Carly Fiorina. Here’s what she said this week: “Just imagine for one moment if the mayor of Chicago were not President Obama’s personal friend,” Fiorina said of Obama’s former White House chief of staff during an interview with Hugh Hewitt. “Just imagine for a moment if this were a Republican, what President Obama would be saying and doing.”
She called out Clinton too: “I mean, most of the time, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are right out front, way before the facts are known, in saying that the police have done something terrible here. This time, the facts are crystal clear that the police did something terribly wrong."
Why is Fiorina the only Republican candidate to stand up and say what I’ve been
saying on Newsmax for more than a month?
Why isn’t Donald Trump or Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio or Ben Carson or even Jeb Bush talking about this?
How could the RNC fail to hold President Obama and Hillary Clinton accountable for their silence on a political cover-up worse than Watergate? Is it so hard to condemn ruthless, inept Democrat Rahm Emanuel?
No one died in Watergate. But someone died in Chicago — a 17 year-old teenager by the name of Laquan McDonald who was shot while walking away from a police officer as a dash cam tape reveals.
This is not in dispute: Mayor Rahm Emanuel fought countless media FOIA requests and lawsuits for 13 months to keep the video suppressed.
His cronies in the Chicago City Council approved a hush money settlement of $5 million in taxpayer funds to the family after the election. The settlement included a clause preventing the family from speaking about the video.
On Monday, a top Chicago city lawyer resigned after he too was accused by a federal judge of hiding evidence in the case of Darius Pinex, who was shot and killed by police during a 2011 traffic stop in Chicago.
The Chicago media is now a national laughing stock. It was independent reporters who broke both the Laquan McDonald cover-up and CPS bribery scandal stories — two stories that would have sunk Emanuel’s re-election bid had they been exposed.
Emanuel has not handled this situation well, first angrily dismissing calls for federal probes into the Chicago Police Department and the city’s law department and then quickly reversing himself when public opinion turned against him.
These are not the acts of a man in control of his political destiny. Emanuel is on his last leg. You can hear the beginnings of a death rattle catching in his throat.
The entire GOP presidential field should be all over this scandal like a scaly rash. Republicans should be pointing out the hypocrisy of President Obama and Hillary Clinton on law enforcement, on race relations, and questioning their integrity in general.
What better way to show America’s black community that they should reconsider their Democrat Party loyalty?
President Obama had an aggressive response to the Michael Brown case in Ferguson — one that arguably worsened the racial tensions and escalating violence. In that case, the DOJ eventually dismissed the civil rights charges against Officer Darren Wilson, who, it was determined, was defending his life when he used deadly force.
Obama has yet to apologize to Wilson and his family. But the situation in Chicago is completely different. The police videotape makes that clear.
The only reason that Obama and Clinton have been mute on this issue is because Rahm Emanuel is one of theirs. This isn’t supposed to happen in a “Democratic” city.
They refuse to discuss it even as the liberal New York Times, Washington Post, and a parade of others in the media have signed Emanuel's political death warrant.
In the glaring light of Rahm’s scandal, they look arrogant, selfish, and out-of-touch with the black community they claim their party represents. This is an opportunity for the Republican Party — but when will they seize it?
Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, are you listening?
William J. Kelly is an American producer, television and radio host, commentator, media strategist, and critic. In 1994, he ran for U.S. Congress. In 2015, he made waves when he busted the campaign finance caps in the Chicago mayor’s race. He is the founder of RevDigital, an independent TV and documentary production house. Kelly is a frequent contributor to The Washington Times, American Spectator, and others. For more of his reports, Go Here Now.