The Democrats clearly don’t believe their own propaganda. After spending 3 years single-mindedly pursuing an opportunity to impeach President Trump, the party can’t even get its own members to unanimously back their latest politically motivated stunt to do so.
According to a recent report from the liberal Washington Post, House Democrat leaders “are bracing for some defections among a group of moderate Democrats in swing districts” over the upcoming impeachment vote.
The report reveals that some staffers anticipate that perhaps half a dozen Democrats may vote against the articles of impeachment adopted by the House Judiciary Committee — and that other party insiders fear the number could be even higher.
There isn’t even universal partisan (let alone bipartisan) support for removing Donald Trump from office.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently announced that she will not “whip” the vote, meaning she will allow undecided Democrats to vote according to their consciences.
"I have no message to them. We are not whipping this legislation, nor would we ever with something like this," Pelosi told reporters. "They'll make their own decisions. I don't say anything to them."
It’s a remarkable revelation that is clearly intended to minimize the embarrassment of the expected defections. Pelosi wants people to think that she’s trying to avoid partisanship, but her decision not to employ the whip hand actually reinforces the fundamentally biased nature of her party’s attempted coup.
If Pelosi believed her own rhetoric about the “urgent” need to remove President Trump from office, then it would be positively unconscionable for her to simply let the chips fall where they may. She would demand that her members put their personal interests aside and vote for impeachment even if it cost them their seats. The fact that she’s not doing that is tantamount to an admission that the true motivations for impeachment are political.
Didn’t the Democrats tell us, time and time again, that it was a moral imperative to impeach this president? Wasn’t this the party that put off its legislative duties for months in order to use congressional hearings as open-ended phishing expeditions, hoping to find dirt they could use against the president?
And what of Pelosi’s own declaration that she is “not for impeachment” without strong bipartisan support? Are the voters supposed to forget that the House Speaker once emphatically opposed impeaching President Trump unless the resolution is “compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan?” Because now, she is a driving force behind an unconvincing and underwhelming impeachment effort that has only inspired bipartisan opposition to the measure.
Let’s be perfectly clear — if impeachment was truly necessary to save the country, as liberals claim, then every Democrat in Congress, even those who represent conservative districts, would be eager to sacrifice their own careers for such an important vote.
Traitor, Russian asset, enemy of the state — these are just some of the slanders that Democrats have used to attack President Trump and his defenders over the past 3 years. Those are incredibly serious allegations, but when push comes to shove, it turns out that Democrat lawmakers are less devoted to impeaching the president than they were to opposing his tax cuts — the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed without a single Democrat vote.
The clown show that Democrats have put on over the past few months is rooted in pure fiction. Their inability to get some of their own members on board with the effort proves that the impeachment hawks are full of Schiff.
As New York City’s 40th Police Commissioner, Bernard Kerik was in command of the NYPD on September 11, 2001, and responsible for the city’s response, rescue, recovery, and the investigative efforts of the most substantial terror attack in world history. His 35-year career has been recognized in more than 100 awards for meritorious and heroic service, including a presidential commendation for heroism by President Ronald Reagan, two Distinguished Service Awards from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, The Ellis Island Medal of Honor, and an appointment as Honorary Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. To read more of his reports — Click Here Now.
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