"We have two political parties in this country, the Stupid Party and the Evil Party. I belong to the Stupid Party." – Former Senator Alan K. Simpson , R-Wyo.
There is little doubt, even to the casual Marxist observer, that President Trump is as energetic as any president America has ever had.
As for Joe Biden … he's not looking too well. Physically or mentally. He's appearing weak, frail and feeble. His memory is terrible. He seems constantly disoriented.
Any rational person would ask themselves, "Why in the world is Jill Biden allowing him to do this; to be humiliated in this way?" Why doesn't she just say to him, "Honey, you've a good, long career, why don't we retire to somewhere nice and enjoy our twilight years?" Does Mrs. Biden really want the White House so badly that she's will to risk her husband's and her future? It seems tragically pathetic.
Something else tragically pathetic is the state of Biden's campaign.
Have you ever seen a Biden hat? A Biden shirt? A Biden yard sign? I just saw a yard sign the other day for the first time, but not a hint of these other things. There are zero face masks, no giant flags for Biden; no pint glasses; nary a welcome mat, socks or suspenders. The Trump campaign has all of these and more. "Swag" or giveaways are an imperative part of any campaign, certainly a presidential campaign.
This is very poor, lazy campaign strategy and execution.
Then there's Biden's digital campaign, which is an absolute mess.
Any solid campaign has several components: Google/Facebook and other online ads; YouTube videos of all sorts including on your campaign issues and "oppo" slams; robust SEO activity and many peripheral opportunities to be exploited as seen. Even the Biden voters at The New York Times wrote and distributed (amazingly) an article titled, "Biden is Losing the Internet; Does It Matter?" On April 16th of this year, they published this very rare scintilla of truth from a newspaper that has been spinning their leftist webs for the last several decades. And it completely confirms my argument here.
If you're in the vast minority — an actual Biden supporter — then you might be hoping Biden's 10-plus million dollar investment in this side of his campaign has turned around his failure here, you're not in luck. Also confirmation for my analysis of the slovenly Biden digital campaign is a New York Post article, "Joe Biden Abandons Multi-Million Dollar Digital Ad Push."
Next we have campaign events where the candidate appears in person.
Events are a crucial element of any campaign. Biden's have been morose. Attendance has been non-existent and the pure idea of any "crowd," preposterous. He rarely fields questions; even of the very squishy, softball variety and has wriggled to answer very simple, yet absolutely decisive queries into whether he would expand the Supreme Court; make D.C. and Puerto Rico states and jettison the Electoral College. Voters will not tolerate this kind of dishonest game-playing.
Compared to the President's colossally huge 30,000-plus mega, MAGA events, Biden's already lost the race in disgrace. The ability of the incumbent to answer hateful/hostile questions from the most Marxist reporters in this country for hours at a time and habitually humiliating them in the process is stark contrast.
This only serves to corroborate that Biden's exit from his two previous presidential campaigns in total degradation were no flukes and that this is what we'll all witness this time around. Even the ruinously "unlikeable" Hillary was not a three-time loser.
There's apparently no creativity in the minds of the Biden campaign team, who've miscarried any possibility of building the equivalent to the Trump Boat Parades, Car Parades or online digital events. (I recently counted more than 45 Trump virtual events in one day.) The New York Times is correct for once: Biden has demolished any chance he had to compete with Trump on the Internet.
Lastly, the nonexistence, then late implementation of a traditional "ground-game" hurt the Biden campaign mortally. Another Times' article announced the Biden camp would not be knocking on doors.
It then exhorted slothful Biden voters that they shouldn't "freak out" about this shocking fiasco. Within just a few weeks the Biden campaign showed just how frantic and faltering they were and started knocking on doors; too late, too little.
The Trump Army ground-game teams had been "knocking on a million doors a week" (Politico, 8/4/20) and have been using a technically advanced "TrumpTalk" dialer to talk to millions of voters nationwide for months and months. The Trump campaign's superiority and lead in these two areas is incurably insurmountable.
To recap:
- First is the bizarre absence of any gear/garb with Biden's name on it.
- The bungling internet/digital campaign which can and should kill a campaign before it even starts.
- A Biden ground-game should have started as soon as he was the nominee, officially August 20th, this year but was truly known months before. If campaign malpractice was civilly actionable, this lawsuit would be a whopper. Just another reason Biden will lose this election.
- The wretched Biden "rallies" or lack thereof that bespeak an underlying maladroitness and zippo understanding of basic marketing principles.
President Trump's advantages in all four of these fundamental areas makes it easy for me to predict the absolute destruction of Biden and perhaps, the entire Democratic Party.
"I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat."–Will Rogers (1879-1935)
Bill Robinson has appeared on Fox News, CNN, PBS, Bloomberg, BBC and had his own segment on SKY News. For seven years was the only conservative columnist for the insufferably Liberal Huffington Post. He has written columns and articles for The Wall Street Journal Europe, Forbes.com, Fortune Small Business, The Financial Times, The Moscow Times, United Airline's Hemispheres Magazine and many others. Bill may be reached at: bill@relentlessmarketing.com. Read Bill Robinson's reports — More Here.
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