On May 15, 1974, three shooters entered the Netiv Meir Elementary School in the Jewish-Arab town of Ma’alot in northern Israel taking 115 people including 105 children hostage. At the time, Israel was on a leftist utopian bender with social experiments that included disarmament and gun free zones. On the second day of the standoff, the Israeli army stormed the building as the shooters murdered children with grenades and automatic weapons. 25 hostages were killed including 22 children, 68 were injured.
Israel responded to the atrocity by mandating armed security in every school. Retired military veterans and police, often grandfathers and grandmothers, began to monitor schools. Teachers and school staff began to volunteer for gun training and began to carry concealed weapons after registering with their school administration. Teachers started to participate in active shooter drills. There have been only two school shootings in Israel since that slaughter and in both cases the shooter was killed and stopped from killing more innocents.
In September 2015, Israel responded to a plethora of knife attacks by making it easier for citizens to obtain guns. Army officers with the rank of Lieutenant and above would be permitted to purchase guns freely and security guards would be allowed to take their guns home after work. The minimum age for gun purchases was dropped from 21 to 18. Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat urged residents to carry a gun and was photographed carrying a Glock 23. Israelis overwhelmingly view the right to bear arms as the best means of deterring gun violence.
The mainstream media is lying about President Trump’s call for arming teachers in one of the ugliest and most dangerous pieces of fake news yet.
The president has not called for arming all teachers, only making it possible for the approximately 10 percent of teachers who are former military or security personnel, who are already licensed and trained, or who would like to obtain a license and training to be permitted to carry a concealed weapon if they choose to do so. In fact, 17 states already allow teachers who register with their school boards and who are cleared to carry concealed weapons. I’m proud to note that my own state of Massachusetts is one of those states. Apparently, Florida is not on the list.
The use by the left of impressionable young children who have been traumatized by school shootings to push their gun grabbing agenda is a particularly odious and despicable manipulation of emotions. If these leftists possessed a shred of decency or genuine concern for the safety of school children they might inquire as to whether the child feels safe going to school in a gun free zone where no one is properly equipped to stop a shooter. They might consider no longer stigmatizing and mocking gun training or the teaching of self-defense.
The social phenomena that constitutes school shootings and its uptick since Columbine, the social and psychological factors that led to this uptick, is a broad and profound subject that urgently calls out for a national discussion and a scientific inquiry free of ideology and invective from all sides. The question of gun regulation, particularly of semi-automatic weapons, is also an important topic that needs to be addressed without histrionics and posturing.
Meanwhile, and in these times of clear and present danger to our school children, common sense steps such as securing our school buildings and allowing trained and willing teachers and administrators to defend the students with concealed weapons is urgently needed.
Chuck Morse hosts "The Morse Force" live Monday-Friday at Noon, ET on YouTube. The program is also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play and his books are available on Amazon.com. For more of his reports — Click Here Now.
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