Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, using Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a political prop and as a backdrop for her toxic politics, attacked President Donald Trump as “openly racist” and his supporters as “white supremacists.” But where does Warren derive her cred in terms of making such ugly and defamatory charges?
Is this the same Elizabeth Warren who seemingly cheated people of color out of obtaining positions at Harvard University and at the University of Pennsylvania by defrauding affirmative action? Warren claims to be 1/32 Cherokee. Perhaps her distinguished Harvard colleague Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. might finally put this question to rest by featuring Warren on his excellent PBS-TV series "Finding Your Roots."
Meanwhile, as Warren and her ilk continue to maliciously crunch away at the same old destructive race dialectic, President Trump’s first year in office has recorded the lowest level of black unemployment, 6.8 percent, since the U.S. Department of Labor started keeping such statistics in 1972. According to the liberal Atlantic Monthly, Trump’s approval rating amongst black men had virtually doubled in his first year in office to 23 percent. This trend must be particularly terrifying to left-wingers who hope to keep black people lulled by their ongoing campaign of phony resentment and agit-prop.
The liberal Christian Science Monitor published an article “Among black men, a spark of support for Donald Trump” which quotes a “30-something long-haul truck driver from Covington, Ga.” who neatly summarized the issue:
“I’d much rather have a guy look me in the eyes and tell me what he really feels than try to tell me what he thinks I want to hear…That’s a man whose hand I’ll shake. And that’s why I have no worries about Trump.”
Dr. Ben Carson, Trump Administration Director of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is moving his department toward encouraging the private sector to provide jobs and education as opposed to the old failed liberal emphasis on public assistance. The move toward encouraging minorities to participate in the job market, and to thus achieve greater self-sufficiency and success, along with the tax program which encourages private investment and capital accumulation offers a positive and, dare I suggest, a winning model. The left continues to offer minorities only two things, and two things only, and they are abortion and welfare.
The left is terrified over the possibility that minorities, who make up President Trump’s natural constituency, might reject the same old politically correct garbage that they continue to hurl at him and at anyone else who fails to properly genuflect in their direction. Warren engages in classic projection and re-direction when she calls Trump a “racist bully.” They fear that people of color might begin to embrace Trump’s more positive vision, one that is based on self-interest and on making America great. So, they go off the deep end with extreme and vicious rhetorical flourishes that fool less and less people.
We should ask exactly what Elizabeth Warren, who voted against the tax cuts, has ever actually done for black people. Other than engaging in self-serving, condescending, wind-bag bloviating speeches on MLK Day, Warren and her predominantly white and privileged ilk have done little to nothing for black people. They just rile up hatred and conflict to hoodwink the black voter. For that matter, it is doubtful that Elizabeth Warren has ever done anything for anyone other than herself and to promote her own inflated power.
Chuck Morse hosts "The Morse Force" live Monday-Friday at Noon, ET on YouTube. The program is also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play and his books are available on For more of his reports — Click Here Now.
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