Meet the new “Daughters of the Confederacy.”
Georgia U.S. Senate candidate Michelle Nunn, Kentucky U.S. Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes, Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu, and North Carolina Sen. Kay Hagan — Democrats and white females all.
They should be ashamed of themselves for wallowing in the gutter of racial politics!
No one should be surprised at the avalanche of race-baiting comments, ads, and literature of these Democrats who come from states of the old confederacy.
After all, Southern Democrats wrote the book on racist campaigns in the “Dixieland” of old. The difference is that then racism was used to intimidate and scare blacks to keep them from voting; now, it is being used to turn out the black vote against Republicans.
Another difference is that then Democrats used the Klu Klux Klan and lynching to assist their efforts; today, they use other black Democrats and their allies to spread their race-baiting messages. Regardless of the ends, the means are still race-based.
Today these Democrats, and their supporters, instead of inciting the bombing and burning of black churches or beating and lynching of blacks to reinforce a message of “You dare not vote,” use symbolic comparison of more Fergusons, Trayvon Martin-type deaths, denial of voting rights, and even lynchings to say “you had better vote the way we tell you.”
Just as then, there is silence from national Democrats and little if any outrage or condemnation from national media.
Black Democrats, especially black elected officials from those and other Southern states, and civil rights organizations, should be ashamed of themselves for their silence. But, why be surprised?
When it suits their political purposes, they too join engage in the race-baiting game — remember the NAACP’s James Byrd ad against then Texas Gov. George W. Bush in 2000?
The next time they accuse Republicans or conservatives of playing the “race card,” the response should be — “Those who live in glass race-baiting houses should not throw race-baiting stones.”
But, remember that, for both Democrats and Republicans, blacks do not have much “final word” political input on strategies of most state and national political campaigns.
They want blacks to be seen and not heard — just vote blindly for the good old Democrat “Plantation Overseers” who pat them on the back — while laughing behind it!
After all, blacks do their bidding by turning out and, unlike other voter groups, do not ask for anything in return.
They really think blacks are stupid!
We will see!
They might be fooled if blacks say: “We have had enough — what have you and the first black president done for us lately?”
Since these Democrats cannot point to anything blacks have received or benefited from Obama or their Democrat colleagues in Washington, why should blacks open the door when they come knocking?
For example, they should take note of recent comments of House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, D Calif. She stated that, regardless of who runs the Senate, the president still has the executive authority to take action on immigration policy — code for granting amnesty to millions of illegals.
So, at a time when black unemployment is at historic levels, especially among youth, Obama might just give millions of illegals the right to compete with them and their children for jobs — and education opportunities.
Will any of the four raise that issue?
Have black Democrats asked them about their positions on amnesty?
Yet, after Obama and their fellow Democrats have forgotten, ignored, and given blacks and their issues the back of their hand for six years, these “New Daughters of the Confederacy” are using race-based tactics and verbiage to get blacks to run to the polls to support them.
The real irony and hypocrisy is that while these white female Democrats want blacks to turn out and vote for them, they are doing everything they can to avoid being associated with the black male president for fear of alienating white voters!
They really have no respect for blacks and apparently think they are stupid!
The best way to send a message to these “New Daughters of the Confederacy” and those like them that race-baiting doesn’t work is to defeat them at the ballot box!
Blacks must vote since so many have sacrificed and died for that right. Just don’t vote for the race baiters!
Clarence V. McKee is president of McKee Communications, Inc., a government, political, and media relations consulting firm in Florida. He held several positions in the Reagan administration as well as in the Reagan presidential campaigns and has appeared on many national and local media outlets. Read more reports from Clarence V. McKee — Click Here Now.
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