Remember when celebrated black American Nobel and Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Toni Morrison, for whatever reason, called Bill Clinton “the first black president?”
Some might argue that Barack Obama, in addition to being the first black president, may also be remembered as the “first Hispanic president.”
He is doing all that he can to assist mostly illegal Hispanic immigrants to enter our nation virtually unchecked and ultimately significantly increase the political power of the Hispanic population. Being black and not Hispanic, he can do it better than if he were Hispanic because he will not be accused of being “partial” to his own ethnic group.
Just as he seems to avoid being accused of doing too much for blacks and not being “president of black America,” he can wrap himself around the open borders support for “dreamers” and not be accused of appearing to be partial to his own as an Hispanic president would be for doing the same.
In so many words, Obama is doing for the Central and South American Hispanic/Latino populations wanting to come to America what Lyndon Johnson did for blacks in America with the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts.
In this case, it is the “right” to get to the United States illegally without consequences.
His policies on immigration have encouraged thousands of illegal, undocumented to be politically correct, mostly Hispanic immigrants to cross our borders.
It will lead to the increased political power for Hispanics in state, local, and national elections, assuming they register and turnout to vote after becoming citizens. Or, if not citizens, they manage to take advantage of weakened or non-existent state voter identification laws which Obama’s Justice Department is attempting to nullify.
Either way, it will be mean a dilution of black voter power and the defeat of black politicians whose urban districts become more Hispanic.
Two years ago, Obama relaxed deportation rules on illegal minors. Now we have thousands of so-called “refugees” pouring into the United States by the busload from Central America with God only knows how many gang members, potential terrorists or communicable disease infiltrated “plants” among them lured by Obama’s humanitarian generosity.
As Newsmax’s Tod Beamon recently reported in, the Obama administration estimates that 60,000 children under 18 will enter the U.S. illegally alone this year. It's expected to grow to nearly 130,000 next year.
Is anyone thinking about their safety and welfare? How are they to adjust in a strange land with no parents to protect and nurture them? Do you really think the Department of Health and Human Services will be a good “mommy and daddy” or “big brother or sister”?
Don’t kid yourself. They can’t even manage Obamacare for Americans! Who will pay for their education, healthcare and housing? You guessed it. American taxpayers!
And, according to an article a year ago by Eric Rodriguez, vice president, office of Research, Advocacy and Legislation of the National Council of La Raza, there is “an already rich pool of Latino citizens not yet registered, between now and 2028, nearly 900,000 Latino citizens will turn 18 every year.”
His article went on to point out that there are about 11.1 million eligible but unregistered Hispanics and more than 2.5 million registered Hispanics didn’t vote in 2012. He concludes by saying: “it is indisputable that the Latino electorate is larger and more powerful than at any point in history and is poised to exercise its power more than ever before.”
Did Congress set this in motion?
Under Obama’s Executive Order in 2012, young people who would be eligible can receive work permits and protection from deportation for two years, with the possibility of renewal. It is estimated that this will impact a minimum of 800,000 people.
Black — and white — Democrat elected officials in congressional, state and local districts in California, Florida, New York and elsewhere will soon see that the Obama influx of Hispanic voters will dilute their black and white voter bases against Hispanic challengers in districts with significant Hispanic voters.
Just ask Congressman Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., who narrowly defeated a Hispanic opponent in 2012 and who is in a tough fight seeking to defeat the same opponent in November in a district that has become increasingly more Latino. I believe he will lose.
So, Hispanics really can say that, for what his immigration policies have accomplished, Obama is the “first Hispanic president.”
His legacy to Hispanics: growing political power through open borders!
His legacy to blacks: growing political power to Hispanics through open borders!
As Charles Cherry, Publisher of the Florida Courier, Florida’s only statewide black newspaper recently wrote: “Being the ‘first black’ to hold political office has played out.
Rather a White/Hispanic person who would advocate for our interests than a black person who would warm the seat. Where’s an “unbought and embossed” Shirley Chisholm when you need her?”
Clarence V. McKee is president of McKee Communications, Inc., a government, political, and media relations consulting firm in Florida. He held several positions in the Reagan administration as well as in the Reagan presidential campaigns and has appeared on many national and local media outlets. Read more reports from Clarence V. McKee — Click Here Now.
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