I have railed in this and in other outlets many times in recent months against what I have described as a pantomime horse of the Democratic campaign conducted by a "decayed servitor, a waxworks dummy . . . following the science" by hiding in the catacombs of his Delaware home and giving minimum access to docile journalists and practically no authentic members of the public.
It must be said that the Democratic Party elders who resuscitated the political corpses of the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris presidential nomination candidacies have performed a political miracle by keeping this ramshackle imposture in serious contention.
There have been hopeless and implausible candidacies and bungled campaigns before, but there has never been in the United States such a long-sustained fraudulent campaign on an unfeasible platform and by such a seriously incapable potential president as this one. It must now, finally, be almost the time when it falls down in shards.
I frequently ask, as (St.) Margaret Thatcher used to say, "Do my ears deceive me?"
Unfortunately, they do not. Historians of the future will have to determine why 90% of the national political media is so rabidly hostile to President Trump that they have spontaneously assumed the conduct of the Democratic campaign themselves.
Joe Biden is a pallid effigy unable to utter complete sentences without requesting the approach of the teleprompter or querying what is coming through his earpiece, even when answering questions his staff has clearly prepared and given to tame journalists from the Democratic networks and newspapers.
His press secretary, rejoicing in a name that would have done credit to Dickens, T.J. Ducklo, acknowledged that Biden was reading answers to supposedly spontaneous questions off a teleprompter by aggressively declining to answer the question from Fox News anchor Bret Baier because Baier was "channeling" the allegations of the Trump campaign.
While Biden addresses audiences of fewer than 20 people, and most of those audiences are comprised of aides and technicians, the official and media Democratic campaign shrieks indignantly that the president is a COVID-19 "super-spreader" when he addresses many thousands of people who flock to the nation’s airports to hear him as he hopscotches around the country.
The Biden campaign medical adviser accused the president of "negligent homicide" for speaking to large and mainly mask-less live audiences (though no one died).
There is absolutely no evidence that this sort of open-air activity spreads the coronavirus, and the Democrats never raised a peep of protest while rioters whom they deemed to be "peaceful protesters" rampaged in cities across the country all summer while Democratic governors and mayors sanctimoniously prevented people from attending religious services—even in their cars in church parking lots — or visiting public parks and beaches.
As California Governor Gavin Newsom acknowledged Trump’s impeccable helpfulness to his state in the COVID-19 and forest fire emergencies during the president’s visit on Monday; Trump volunteered that failure to clear 65 million dead trees had made the forests giant tinderboxes of dry wood and had severely aggravated the fires.
But as this was happening, Joe Biden sortied from his basement and denounced his opponent as a "climate arsonist," and prayerfully demanded to know how many "suburbs will be burned and flooded . . . And blown away in super-storms" because of the climatological philistinism of this administration.
In the Red Queen manner of the Democratic media and the putative candidate’s scriptwriters, there was no longer the slightest requirement for any evidence, and all evils of nature or coincidence are the results of the malice, incompetence, or perversity of the incumbent administration.
One of the chief puppet-masters, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), congratulated the president on the agreements he brokered between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain (and the Nobel Peace Prize nominations the Democratic media have not mentioned) as a "distraction" from COVID-19 infections. Trump hate is the Democrats’ one theme.
Perhaps the novel concept of "super-storms," (which Biden’s election would banish like a halcyon before they arose) would replace the growing public concern about the urban guerrillas with whom the Democratic Party played footsie all summer.
One of my very learned readers, a scientist in Mobile, Alabama who would be happy to adhere to the Biden counsel to "follow the science," wrote to me on Monday night that he had to stock .38 caliber ammunition from a pawnshop because the normal emporia were sold out. He added that "the fact that the general public is opposed to being murdered by the friskier elements of the Democratic base seems to have eluded the nominee’s political consultants."
Apart from the scandalous charade that Joe Biden remotely possesses the intellectual stamina to execute the great office that he seeks, and the unabashedly Marxist program that the Democrats have adopted as a placebo to the Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez Left, the greatest outrage of this fake campaign is its ambiguity about urban violence, its identifying with Black Lives Matter (much of whose leadership is composed of violent antiwhite racists), and its ambivalence between the police and the perpetrators of mob rule.
Harris has expressed her admiration for Jacob Blake, who appears to have a legitimate complaint about having been shot seven times in the back by a Kenosha, Wisconsin policeman, but was armed and apprehended in the midst of committing a felony; sympathy would be reasonable but admiration?
That seems premature.
Both Biden and Harris have supported, albeit euphemistically, defunding and partially disarming the nation’s police, in the face of an unprecedented surge in urban violence. Despite the almost totalitarian fervor of the Democratic media’s lunge for control of public opinion, polls show two-thirds of Americans are now very concerned about urban violence, and the silence of the Democrats about the subject at their convention and of their nominees until very recently has been contemptible.
The standing of the Democratic nominee in the (mainly Democratic front) polls is a levitation that defies all laws of nature and politics.
Joe Biden is not a political bumblebee, he is a lumbering guided-missile whose engine has failed. Violence is a far more profound, less explicable, and less remediable problem than the coronavirus. COVID-19 fatalities and the unemployment that resulted from the shutdown Biden wishes to perpetuate or restore continue to decline and an effective vaccine now appears likely in the next few months.
Despite Biden’s monstrous falsehoods that the American performance is the worst of any advanced country in the world, and despite the president’s inconsistent early public comments about it, Trump has managed the crisis well.
Not even Ducklo could make the case that vacuous Joe Biden could have done better.
The Democratic campaign is a gigantic fraud and Trump hate will not legitimize it. Fox News Ch Sean Hannity refers to the "candidate protection program," and my eminent colleague Victor Davis Hanson reminds us of the "Wizard of Oz" and the dog and the curtain.
Many epigrams are applicable and there are precedents for candidate Biden in fiction if not in U.S. history, but it will end in shambles on November 3.
It has been a bold defiance of the laws of gravity and politics, but this farce can’t go on much longer without the audience mounting the stage.
This article originally appeared on American Greatness.
Conrad Black is a financier, author and columnist. He was the publisher of the London (UK) Telegraph newspapers and Spectator from 1987 to 2004, and has authored biographies on Maurice Duplessis, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Richard M. Nixon. He is honorary chairman of Conrad Black Capital Corporation and has been a member of the British House of Lords since 2001, and is a Knight of the Holy See. He is the author of "Donald J. Trump: A President Like No Other" and "Rise to Greatness, the History of Canada from the Vikings to the Present." Read Conrad Blacks' Reports — More Here.
Follow Conrad Black on Twitter @ConradMBlack.
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