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For Trump, Terrorism No Mere 'Myth' or 'Idea'

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U.S. President Donald J. Trump with (pictured) Vice President Mike Pence, and U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper - White House Situation Room - Oct. 26, 2019. Monitoring developments as U.S. Special Operations forces close in on ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s compound in Syria. (Shealah Craighead/White House via Getty Images)

Cory Mills By Monday, 26 October 2020 06:01 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

Former Vice President Joe Biden continues to miss the mark with his understanding of law enforcement and ensuring the safety and security of the American people.

During this past Thursday night’s Town Hall, Biden declared police officers should not be trained to "shoot to kill," but rather "shoot ‘em in the leg."

That suggestion is an incredibly stupid use of lethal force.

While Biden's statement is nothing short of idiotic, the former vice-president has made far more dangerous, related policing comments .

In the first 2020 Presidential Debate, we heard former Vice President Biden claim that "Antifa is an idea, not an organization."

"When a bat hits you over the head, that’s not an idea," President Trump countered, "Antifa is a dangerous, radical group."

When it became public recently that is automatically redirected to the Biden/Harris Campaign website, USA Today published a "Fact Check" article confirming:

"It is true the domain redirects to It is unknown who exactly owns the domain and has been redirecting traffic to the Biden campaign's website."

In the same article, USA Today reported that Biden's digital director confirmed, "Whoever owns is redirecting it to our website as a troll. … The VP very obviously has/wants nothing to do with fringe groups."

In police work we call these clues: Biden’s digital director says, "The VP very obviously has/wants nothing to do with fringe groups," then Biden claims that Antifa is "not an organization," i.e., not a group.

And continues to be redirected to the Biden/Harris campaign website.

Do these clues point to only one conclusion: that Joe Biden wants to be associated with — and possibly funded by — the Antifa "idea."? 

So what is the Antifa idea?

As a U.S. Army combat veteran who has served abroad and been a part of hundreds of counterterrorism operations, I feel uniquely qualified to weigh in on the depiction of Antifa by the former Vice President as “an idea, not an organization.”

The same USAToday "Fact Check" article linked above explains the history behind the Antifa "idea”: "the domain has existed since 1999, . . . . It is unclear who registered the domain, but the content appears to be a predominantly European anti-fascist newsletter available in English and Dutch. . . . The website was probably bought before or around May 31[, 2020]. . . . 'We Are Antifa: Join Us & Take Action,' declares text at the top of the home page. Hashtags sympathetic to George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement are also visible. Below, a symbol used by the original anti-fascist group, Antifaschistische Aktion, founded by the Communist Party of Germany in 1932, appears in red, black and white. . . . Days later, more information was added in an extensive paragraph rebutting President Donald Trump's tweet May 31 vowing to designate 'ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization'."

More clues, thanks to USAToday’s "Fact Check."

The National Criminal Justice Reference Service has explained that "Ideologies tend to provide a set of beliefs that justify and mandate certain behaviors. Those beliefs are regarded as absolute, and the behaviors are seen as serving a meaningful cause."

There are many groups of humans who justify their evil and violent acts as being done on behalf of an ideology. Many of these ideologies have led to tens of thousands of innocent people being assaulted, murdered, and tortured for disagreeing with the ideology.

ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi talked often about the Caliphate and its ideology.

The same ideology that continued to grow under the previous administration’s failed policies which led to thousands of slaughtered Yazidi men, enslaved young girls and women to be sold at the market to fighters who followed their ideology, and barbarically cut off the heads of young children because their parents subscribed to different beliefs.

Many would even argue that Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism, is based on a radicalized ideology promulgated by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Earlier this year, as Antifa protestors were rioting in Portland, a web-posted video depicts Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., saying that Antifa is "a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C."

It’s easy for Democratic Party politicians like Nadler and Biden to dismiss the lawlessness and violent intolerance of Antifa as a "myth" or "an idea" so they can continue to paint President Trump as a failed leader who can’t gain control of civil unrest.

The facts are, however, that it was President Trump who put an end to ISIS; who successfully approved and carried out counterterrorism operations that lead to the elimination of Jihadi John, Abu Bakr, Qassim Soleimani, and Abu Mehdi Al-Muhandis.

President Trump is a decisive President who does not minimize radicalized groups as "ideas," and who believes firmly in law and order.

The contrast with the Joe Biden is glaring.

The irony is that the Obama/Biden Administration failed over eight years to go after what many call Islamofascists nearly as hard as the Trump/Pence Administration has done over the past three and a half years — in spite of the Democratic Party-funded Russian Collusion Hoax, an Impeachment attempt, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Left and Joe Biden continue to be associated with the Antifa "idea."

Cory Mills is a highly decorated combat veteran with experience in multiple theaters of operation. He is Founder and CEO of PACEM Solutions International and PACEM Defense LLC, which acquired AMTEC Less Lethal Systems, Inc., in 2018. For most of his adult life, Cory Mills has honorably served U.S. military, diplomatic, and USAID missions. After Mr. Mills was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army, he served as a subcontractor for the U.S. State Department from 2005-2010. During this time, he worked with thousands of diplomatic missions in the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, and the U.S. Consul in Erbil. In 2016, the Republic of Iraq credited PACEM with assisting operations which led to the raising of Iraq’s flag at the Fallujah Governor’s Office for the first time in nearly three years. Prior to this, ISIS was flying the flag of the Caliph in Fallujah. Read Cory Mill's Reports — More Here.

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For Trump, Terrorism No Mere 'Myth' or 'Idea'
For Trump, Terrorism No Mere Myth or Idea
Monday, 26 October 2020 06:01 AM
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