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Biden Insults Reagan Economic Legacy, and Us

Biden Insults Reagan Economic Legacy, and Us
(Bang Oland/

Craig Shirley By Tuesday, 11 July 2023 07:57 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

President Joe Biden recently tried to compare his so-called economic policies favorably with Ronald Reagan’s, which is laughable when one thinks about it for at least 10 to 15 seconds.

"Bidenomics" is actually much worse. It's anti-intellectual, flaccid, and feeble.

What temerity.

Reagan’s economic policies were rational and, most importantly, wildly successful.

Biden’s economic policies are failing, if not outright delusional, just like the whole of his presidency. Who can forget the thousands of Americans he abandoned in Afghanistan?

Added to this, we now have an emergent scandal of cocaine in the White House.

Reagan inherited an awful economy from Jimmy Carter.

Unemployment was high, interest rates and inflation were unacceptably high.

Even some economic textbooks said such and economic mess couldn't exist.

A most apropos label was assigned: "The Misery Index."

And yet, Reagan wrought a miracle, by cutting taxes, spending, and regulations.

The Gipper created millions of jobs and not just of the fast -food variety either.

They were high-paying, white and blue collars jobs.

When the former California governor came to office, America had approximately 4,000 millionaires. When he left office, the country had 40,000 millionaires.

The nation was witness to quarters when growth was actually 7%!

Biden inherited a superb economy, courtesy of Donald J. Trump.

So far, Biden has ratcheted up inflation, increased the deficit, and destroyed people’s futures. Be sure you check your 401K!

This writer personally knows of those who have lost as much as 40% of their portfolios.

And please! Let's not forget unemployment; it's at miserable levels.

Our nation's 46th president reminds one of an Old Testament pestilence.

Whenever he goes, whatever he touches winds up being worse off.

In Greek mythology, everything King Tantalus reached for eluded his grasp.

The same applies to Biden, and we are much worse for it.

Ronald Reagan genuinely liked to help people, often by standing aside and letting them help themselves. Biden, on the other hand, is all about control; it's more important to him than anything.

Why else would he propose looking into our private checking accounts?

Did it ever occur to him, that our private lives are none of his business.

Then, he argues that abortion is a private act, which it is not?

Marty Anderson, an old aide to Reagan who has since passed away, told this writer once that he estimated Reagan’s IQ to be 175.

Genius level.

Anderson would know, he was draped with all sorts of advanced college degrees.

What of Biden's IQ?

He's skewed some mighty important facts most of his adult life.

He's misrepresented about:

  • His college ranking
  • His grades in college
  • His law school ranking
  • His grades in law school

Joe Biden also got it wrong about playing football.

His policies are unimaginative and disastrous. Tax, more tax; spend more spend.

The same old policies which ultimately did not work for FDR or Carter.

And by the way gas is through the roof, groceries are up, milk is up, taxes are up, baby formula is non-existent and — a general depression, dare we say malaise — has settled across the land (The Misery Index II?).

Everyone is embarrassed that Joe Biden is their president.

No one is proud of him, save maybe first lady Jill Biden.

Reagan left office with a 73% approval rating.

He did so because made our country and our world a better, freer, safer place to live.

He’s gone down in the history books as one of our four greatest presidents.

His presidential library it still the most visited. Will, ultimately, Biden's?

Should Biden even earn a library? Perhaps a bookmobile?

He will go down in history as are our worst president, encompassing a gross deficiency in moral judgment.

As Abraham Lincoln once said, "you can’t fool all the people all the time."

Joe Biden is Biden is that finding out. We hope.

Craig Shirley is a Ronald Reagan biographer and presidential historian having written six books on Reagan. He's also written The New York Times bestseller, "December, 1941" and just published the companion book, "April, 1945" to wide acclaim. He's also the author of the book "Mary Ball Washington," which won the People’s Choice Award from the Library of Virginia. His book on the 1980 presidential campaign, "Rendezvous with Destiny" was named by The Wall Street Journal as one of the five best campaign books of all time. Read Craig Shirley's Reports — More Here.

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Reagan’s economic policies were rational and, most importantly, wildly successful. Biden’s economic policies have been an abject failure, just like the whole of his presidency.
carter, misery, malaise
Tuesday, 11 July 2023 07:57 AM
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