The dark forces of Wokeism are all around us. We are surrounded.
In the liberal media, on college campuses. In the entertainment industry, and our government. It has also reared its ugly head in grade schools, middle schools and high schools nationally. It's even quite prevalent in corporations.
The result?
A nation of many ignorant leftist political militants.
Wokeism is found in collectivism as a whole: liberalism, Maoism, Leninism, the Democratic Party — any ideology on the left.
With each, they want to take something away from you, the individual.
They hate individualism and love group think, group thought, and group behavior.
They abhor free thinking.
The great historian David McCullough once said before he passed away, "We are now into our third generation of historically illiterate Americans."
The left is pleased. Ignorant people are more easily led and pushed around.
Now we find it in the efforts of DirecTV — owned by AT&T — to censor Newsmax TV.
Newsmax TV is the highly successful heir to another conservative cable system as of late.
Newsmax has kept true to its original mission of news from a conservative perspective.
In other words, Newsmax’s content matches up with the vast majority of Americans.
Newsmax is the vision of founder Christopher Ruddy along with his flagship magazine and radio networks.
But collectivism cannot stand the dissemination of conservative ideas simply because, freedom is better than tyranny.
At the very least, DirecTV — and AT&T are guilty of violating the constitutionally protected right of free speech.
In other words, Direct TV is interfering with Newsmax audience's right to hear all the information on breaking news.
And Direct TV is disrupting Newsmax’s right to do business with you, the viewer.
You don’t get news and information anymore from NBC News' "Meet the Press," they are interested only in shrinking knowledge, not expanding it.
The program's ratings are abysmal.
Same too with The Washington Post, The New York Times, ABC and CBS.
In fact, all the left-wing news outlets.
And forget about NPR. You might as well be reading Mao’s "Little Red Book."
The left just doesn’t want your hard-earned money.
They want to regulate and control you.
They wish to take away more and more.
Case in point: the abominable electric car.
Is the left pushing it so hard because they can control access to electricity?
The same is true with respect to COVID-19.
If everyone is getting jabbed often and wearing masks, we are controlled by the state while, as a bonus, enriching pharmaceutical companies and their questionable practices, who are also seemingly in league with big government.
A government consistently acting questionably as well. All their philosophies lead inevitably to more power for the tiny elite and less power for you.
While not sleeping in high school physics, I learned that power cannot be destroyed or created. It can only be moved around, so to speak.
The left wants to continue moving power away from the individual and towards the state and big corrupt corporations.
And this is the rub about Newsmax as a threat to the left's established order because they tell the truth, this is the striking similarity to the war for American Independence.
Newsmax is the equivalent of the Continental Army led by George Washington, struggling to be free under oppressive British rule.
The truly distasteful enemy are Big Corporations and Big Government; Direct TV, AT&T, Biden’s Big Government.
They must be defeated in order to preserve personal freedoms.
There is no rehabilitating them or redeeming them.
Is the political gulag far off? Reeducation camps?
We are all being herded that way with the uninformed left as our overlords.
Are "psychiatric" hospitals and starvation far off?
As Ronald Reagan once cogently observed, "We’ve gone astray from first principles. We’ve lost sign of the rule that individual freedom and ingenuity at the core of everything we’ve accomplished.
"Government’s first Duty is to protect the people, not run their lives."
It's the greatest of ironies that Americans spent billions winning the Cold War for some 70 years. Ronald Reagan put his cowboy boot on the neck of Soviet collectivism, crushing the life out of it.
And we successfully fought other forms of collectivism in the Baltic States, in Eastern Europe including the Soviet republics, in Nicaragua, and other countries.
Now we tragically find collectivist philosophy taking root here at home.
Much like the French Revolution, the Jacobins are pushing Wokeism to reorder society with themselves naturally on top.
Think Rep. Alexandria Cortez, D-N.Y. and Joy Behar of ABC's "The View," standing atop Lenin’s tomb.
Have we not learned from the failure of the collectivist state of Venezuela?
Everything there is collapsing because of leftism.
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Craig Shirley is a Ronald Reagan biographer and presidential historian having written six books on Reagan. He's also written The New York Times bestseller, "December, 1941" and just published the companion book, "April, 1945" to wide acclaim. He is also the author of the book "Mary Ball Washington," which won the People’s Choice Award from the Library of Virginia. His book on the 1980 presidential campaign, "Rendezvous with Destiny" was named by The Wall Street Journal as one of the five best campaign books of all time. Read Craig Shirley's Reports — More Here.
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