Some Democrats said after the summit that the president was not prepared for the summit.
Perhaps they did not want him to succeed in his dealings with the North Korean leader and they didn’t think it produced much to change the tension in the world. Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister, went to meet with Hitler and thought he had appeased Hitler and had won the peace. History shows that appeasement will not change the spots on a tyrannical dictator. Stories abounded in advance of the summit that Kennedy, Nixon, and even Reagan had failed in their summits.
The point I want to make is that these three presidents were ill equipped in negotiating at a summit. They were politicians who had minimal experience in the art of negotiation on an international stage. President Trump has had more life experience dealing with evil people who want to try and take advantage of him in doing a deal. The point is, I believe we have the right man in place to try and work with Kim going forward to find peace. If a deal can be had President Trump is the most qualified president in the history of the country to get the deal done, if one can be done.
You do not get to be a multiple billion-dollar company without doing significant deals around the world. CNN did a story on Kim and his family in their negotiating style, which may be helpful going forward to the Trump team. In the article, Professor Andrei Lankov, a North Korean expert from Kookmin University in Seoul said, "They begin to behave in a highly risky and irrational way, creating an acute sense of crisis," he went on to say, "When almost everybody is beginning to wonder whether North Koreans are really going to strike, or start a war, or do something, North Korea suddenly suggests negotiations, and then extracts concessions for their willingness to go back to the status quo."
President Trump is very wary of what type of person he faces across the table. He has made a promise to the American people on the 18th of April, when he said, “and I will walk away if it is not a good deal.”
Unlike any other, President Trump has operations around the world, hotels, office buildings, golf courses, and casinos. In building his empire he has had to meet leaders of governments all over the world to get their support for his ventures. The point is that if we are ever going to have a chance of peace with North Korea now is the time and President Trump is the person to make it happen if it can.
From the moment that Kim indicated he might be interested in talking with President Trump, people have asked, why now? The answer is simple, he needs growth, he needs to put his people to work, and more than anything else he wants to trade with the United States. He has seen the discussion about international trade and tariffs that President Trump has escalated and he knows that 30 percent of what he exports is coal.
The United States already has 375 years of coal; America doesn’t need to import coal. If Trump is successful in lowering or eliminating trade restrictions on a global basis, then Kim wants a piece of that action. He has no money, but an open market in North Korea will bring many growth opportunities for his people and himself. All he has to do is to look south of the DMZ, and he can see an economy that is 53 times the size of his economy.
His people are starving for lack of food and The New York Times reported, “The Hunger In North Korea is Devastating." The sanctions imposed by the world including China and Russia is something North Korea has never experienced before, and the pressure on Kim has been relentless to give up his weapons. I do not know if Kim is practical or not, but trade and jobs bring new wealth and power to this struggling country is something to shoot for in these coming talks.
Neither side walked out of the meeting, I hope that both are committed to progress in future meetings to making the world a safer place. My expectation for the summit were met: both sides agree to continue to talk, so look for the second round of talks perhaps just before the midterm election, and that time is not by accident. If a verifiable deal could be announced just before the mid terms it would be devastating to the Democrats in November. If this plays out like I think, the Democrats will cry foul, but as Barack Obama said to the Republicans after he won, I won deal with it. Perhaps turnabout is fair play: “We won Democrats deal with it.”
The author of the book, “The Art of the Deal,” may be brewing the second deal of his life, could it be Iran?
Dan Perkins is an author of both thrillers and children’s books. He appears on over 1,100 radio stations. Mr. Perkins appears regularly on international TV talk shows, he is current events commentator for seven blogs, and a philanthropist with his foundation for American veterans, Songs and Stories for Soldiers, Inc. More information about him, his writings, and other works are available on his website, To read more of his reports — Click Here Now.
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