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Watermarks at Fort Denison Cast Doubt on Impending Sea Level Doom

Watermarks at Fort Denison Cast Doubt on Impending Sea Level Doom
This photo taken on May 21, 2012, shows the sandstone Martello Tower of Fort Denison in Sydney Harbour. Fort Denison, also known as "Pinchgut," is one of Sydney's historic landmarks, a former penal site occupying a small island in Sydney Harbour and operating now as a harbour navigation facility with a museum and restaurant. (Greg Wood/AFP/GettyImages)

David Nabhan By Thursday, 03 January 2019 03:03 PM EST Current | Bio | Archive

The architects and builders of low-lying Fort Denison, hugging a tiny sea-level plot of dry land in Sydney Harbor in Australia, may have realized in 1841 that they were also building a monumental, stone “tidal gauge” for the ages. Civil engineers, in every era and every land through the millennia have always known that sea levels, and consequently coastlines, have varied over thousands of years.

Many ancient cultures have observed coastal roads, harbors, and embankments — even whole cities — slowly surrendering to the sea over the centuries in all parts of the world. This facet of natural history is certainly not something only known to moderns.

Seas slowly rising, therefore, have been a fact of life for builders constructing anything along the world’s shorelines. Since Louis Agassiz’s discovery of ice ages in the mid-1800s, the dynamics underlying inexorably rising oceans have been well-understood. The last ice age ended almost 12,000 years ago. The vast ice reserves from that epoch have melted, are melting, will continue to melt, and hopefully for some time to come since the next ice age is hardly something to be eagerly awaited.

The evidence of how slowly and imperceptibly the seas have risen over the last century and a third — and the continued snail’s pace of this rise at present — is ingrained into the very rock face of that bastion in Sydney Harbor. It gives proof to the opposite of what the press has screamed for decades: global climate end-days are upon us, with raging, rising oceans being part of it.

Scientists have a long-established diminutive calculus of between just 7 and 9 centimeters per hundred years for sea level rise, over the last few centuries anyway. And that is what is etched into the stone foundations of Ft. Denison; the precise and irrefutable scientific truth is captured in old photos which can now be juxtaposed with the current striations at the fort’s waterline.

The high tides sloshing against this bulwark have left indelible watermarks reflecting the sea level from the present, back to more than a dozen decades. Contrary to what the apocalypse peddlers have been marketing, the photographic evidence makes it clear that it is steady, minuscule, hardly perceivable incremental rises in the height of Earth’s oceans that has transpired — not imaginary floodwaters broadcast nonstop by the panic mongers, supposedly being unleashed by the carbon dioxide pumped into the atmosphere.

Thanks to this iconic feature of Sydney being photographed very commonly by tourists and residents alike, countless photos have been taken from the same vantage point, yet separated by decades. The historic snapshots of the fort from last year therefore can be examined side by side with those from the 1880s.

One thing is clear at once in viewing these photos and that is that the waters around the fort have remained seemingly frozen in time, with the sea level exactly the same in the last quarter of the 19th century compared to the first quarter of the 21st. There are clipper ships in the background of the old pictures, skyscrapers captured in the recent ones, but the high-tide marks along the seawalls are precisely identical.

There has been no remarkable, ominous or building threat by the ocean against the shoreline of Sydney over the last hundred and thirty-three years. That’s implicitly what Fort Denison’s stonework tells us. And, if it hasn’t happened in Sydney it hasn’t happened in San Francisco, Saint Petersburg, or anywhere else either.

This corroboration found etched in stone in Australia certainly casts grave aspersions on the doomsday hypotheses accepted at face value by journalists in the Western press who seem thrilled with each ludicrous claim of impending extinction for mankind. But average citizens around the globe finally seem more likely now to believe their own eyes rather than what Hollywood, Washington, New York, and Paris tell them.

Even the people of France over the last few weeks recently have risen up, rioting in the streets, and telling the “carbon taxers” — who have put the supposedly unassailable yet unsubstantiated future flood hypothesis above the basic and common needs of their own countrymen — that they’ve simply had enough.

For anyone who wonders whether the long-suffering French have finally come to their senses, or if the sky truly is falling with the seas fairly bursting their natural limits, a trip to Sydney’s harbor might be sufficient to settle the matter.

And no complicated, delicately calibrated, arcane and expensive scientific gear is required; good eyesight and the steadfastness to refrain from turning one’s vision away from a complete refutation of what the self-styled climate gurus demand no one dare question, is all that is needed.

David Nabhan is a science writer, the author of "Earthquake Prediction: Dawn of the New Seismology" (2017) and three previous books on earthquakes. Nabhan is also a science fiction writer ("Pilots of Borealis," 2015) and the author of many scores of newspaper and magazine op-eds. Nabhan has been featured on television and talk radio all over the world. His website is To read more of his reports — Click Here Now.

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Many ancient cultures have observed coastal roads, harbors, and embankments — even whole cities — slowly surrendering to the sea over the centuries in all parts of the world. This facet of natural history is certainly not something only known to moderns.
climate change, sea levels, fort denison
Thursday, 03 January 2019 03:03 PM
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