Starting with a new presidential appointment, Black History Month is full of surprises for 2018. President Donald J. Trump has honored one of my heroes, Frederick Douglass with the empowering of The Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Commission.
I'm blessed to serve America as a new member of this commission.
Moving forward, let’s reflect on the president’s campaign promises to address racism by ensuring us that "when we give everyone a great America; safety, security, a reason to belong, that will serve the issue."
The president also declared early on in his post as commander in chief, "No matter what color our skin is, we all bleed red." His insight into the one blood truth, coupled with his frequent reminders that, "We don’t serve government, we serve God; in God we trust" are encouraging to say the least.
The month started off with the launch of my annual Black History Tour; this time from Titusville, Florida, which is the new home of Priests for Life. I’m director of Civil Rights for The Unborn for that organization. It was a blessing to visit local schools and the Titusville campus of Eastern Florida State College.
Meanwhile, the Congressional Black Caucus sat down on the job during President Trump’s inspiring State of the Union Address. The petulant actions of the majority of The CBC cripple the dreams of America. They must be addressed. Expect to hear more from activists for genuine social justice this month.
It was also a blessing to give a Black History shout out at the 2018 Rose Day Rally in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
It’s also important to note that while we are one blood/one race (Acts, Chapter 17:26), the black/African/American community still celebrates a month of educating the masses regarding many notable contributions of blacks in the U.S. — that are unknown and undocumented in certain historical annals. These efforts are designed to unite us; never to divide us. Herein is a key to unlocking racial reconciliation.
There’s been a flurry of discourse regarding the Dodge Ram commercial featuring the voice of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with community service as a theme. On a positive note, many are saying that the ad sparked them to find the entire Dr. King speech and listen to it. That’s millennials for you; ever seeking truth. The line about "a heart to serve" with the ultrasound of the baby’s heartbeat was definitely a kind of ram in the bush "Aha" moment.
Coming up this month:
White House Black History Event
Launch of King Family Legacy Library at Millennium Gate Museum
Finally, please remember to pray for America, and watch out for "King Truths" and the upcoming Roe v. Wade movie.
Dr. Alveda C. King grew up in the civil rights movement led by her uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. She is director of African-American outreach for Priests for Life and Gospel of Life Ministries. Her family home in Birmingham, Ala., was bombed, as was her father's church office in Louisville, Ky. Alveda herself was jailed during the open housing movement. Read more reports from Dr. Alveda C. King — Click Here Now.
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