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America Is Not Nearing the End — the End Is Already Here

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Ed Brodow By Thursday, 29 July 2021 01:26 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

Many people are expressing fears that Biden/Harris policies could result in the death of the republic. It occurred to me today that the republic is already dead.

We appear to have reached the point of no return. I don’t see any way out of this mess. Even if the 2022 elections change the composition of the House, irreversible damage will have been inflicted on the nation during the preceding two years of Biden/Pelosi rule.

Biden, Pelosi and the Democrats are destroying what we used to think of as America. Democrats regard freedom of speech as an outdated concept.

In cahoots with Big Tech, the administration is creating its version of the thought police. Criticisms of Biden’s talking points are labeled hate speech.

Challenging government policies will get you labeled as a “domestic terrorist.” They are taking steps right now to take away your right to complain.

The sanctity of the individual, the basis for our republic, is being undermined by tribalization. Mark Levin calls it the “balkanization” of America. You are to be judged by the group in which you are assigned membership — white, Black, latino, Asian, women, LGBTQ.

Basic concepts of individual rights that people fought for in the 1960s are being repudiated in favor of identity politics and critical race theory.

Border integrity has disappeared as millions of unvetted immigrants, many of whom are positive for COVID, pour across the southern border in violation of immigration laws. Current demographics and voting patterns are deliberately being manipulated as these new immigrants are secretly airlifted to undisclosed sections of the country.

Where are they going and what happens to them when they get there? We don’t know. Nor do we know who is making the rules, so we can’t challenge them.

It seems unbelievable that the Democrats are getting away with this. But they are. If they succeed in importing millions of new Democrat voters, we can kiss the two-party system goodbye.

The federal government is no longer run by the three branches created by the Constitution: executive, legislative and judicial. Their activities only serve to mask the real power in Washington — the Deep State.

It is foolish to think that Joe Biden or members of Congress are responsible for major decisions. Policy is determined by permanent Washington bureaucrats, almost entirely composed of left-leaning Democrats.

Presidential decisions are made by a cadre that is immune to media unmasking. Not knowing who they are is terrifying. The media ought to be investigating this, but they are in the pocket of the Democratic Party.

On the local and state levels, Democrat office-holders have shown utter contempt for law and order, defunding police and frequently siding with violent thugs as they destroy our communities under the guise of social justice.

The compliant media refer to violent riots as peaceful demonstrations. Laws eliminating bail and decriminalizing many serious offenses contribute to the anarchy on our city streets.

Add the COVID pandemic to this crazy cocktail and you have the recipe for totalitarian powers. The virus is being used as an excuse to accelerate government intrusion into our lives. We have been told when we can leave our homes, when we can go to work, and whom we can associate with.

Shelter decrees violated the fundamental rights of tens of millions, wrote Judge Andrew Napolitano in The Washington Times.

“The fear of contagion gives government cover for its assaults,” he said. “One can see the paramount rejection of basic democratic and constitutional principles.”

Political commentator Bill O’Reilly agreed.

"Our individual freedoms are under assault from the virus,” said O’Reilly. “This is what can happen all the time when big government rules."

Unbridled hysteria seems to have caused a rejection of what is best about this country — the right to complain. Does the government’s anti-virus response justify criticism? Should we be allowed to criticize the vaccines?

According to traditional American values, we have that right. The Biden administration does not agree.

This is not a prediction for a dystopian future — it is all happening right now in broad daylight. We can expect another 15 months of the same treatment until the 2022 elections.

After that, we can only hope for the best — but it is difficult to be optimistic.

Ed Brodow is a conservative political commentator, negotiation expert, and author of eight books including "Tyranny of the Minority: How the Left is Destroying America" and "Trump's Turn: Winning the New Civil War." He is a former U.S. Marine officer, Fortune 500 sales executive and Hollywood movie actor. Read Ed Brodow's Reports — More Here

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Many people are expressing fears that Biden/Harris policies could result in the death of the republic. It occurred to me today that the republic is already dead.
america, death, republic
Thursday, 29 July 2021 01:26 PM
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